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erich's  links

Public Choice:

            The positive study of law and politics - what will actually be as opposed to what should be
            -  Collective decision making viewed as a science, rather than as a philosophy

Ronald Coase:    *article*      by David Friedman on the classic article "social cost" ; Reason interview ; Boston Globe
Hayek's Classic 1946  Article  " The Use of Knowledge in Society "
Pat Gunning's:  UNDERSTANDING DEMOCRACY - An Introduction to Public Choice, home , democracy
Interview w/ James Buchanan on " Origin of Public Choice " ; Public Choice: Politics without Romance
Hardin's "Tragedy of the Commons"

In Taos,  see also Chapter 18 in the local UNM Econ 102 Text currently being used  ( Microeconomics , 4th Ed
by Roger A. Arnold) entitled: "Public Choice: Economic Theory Applied to Politics"

Center for Economic Policy Analysis [ CEPA ] , New School University, NYC:
    [ New InstitutionalismSchools ]  [ Chicago school ] [ who's who ]

Rent-Seeking, Public Choice, and The Prisoner's Dilemma| Pareto Optimality  | Social Welfare Function -Paretian System |
Lectures on Public Choice:  John M. Abowd | Julie Novak | Leon Felkins | David Friedman :(scroll past "tariifs") | Roger Congleton | Grofman - index vita |
David Friedman: "On my rights relative to your rights- a simple beginning to understanding Property Rights - See #3.Alternative EK"
open spectrum rights

Merger of Public Choice w/ Experimental Economic | Caltech |
Charles Holt"s bibliography   ( 2000 references on voting , public economics , game theory  experimental economics)

Public Choice Sylabbi [ Caplan ] [ Congleton ]

New Public Choice Books: | GREED, CHAOS AND GOVERNANCE: Using Public Choice to Improve Public Law by Jerry L. Mashaw |
                                       | John Locke Series | "On Voting" by Gordon Tullock |
                                       | " Everything for Sale: The Virtues and Limits of Markets" by Robert Kuttner |

Pubic Choice Society | European Public Choice Society
| European Center for Public ChoiceWorking Papers  [ ftp ]:
                                Tullock G., Exchanges and Contracts in Economics and Politics [5p- .pdf]
                                 Bernholz P., Instability of Voting Outcomes, Logrolling, Arrow, Coase and All That [15p-.pdf]
                                 Frey, B. S., Marcel Kucher and Alois Stutzer, Outcome, Process and Power in Direct Democracy [ 29p-.pdf ]

SEARCH "Public Choice" "Law" "Politics" w/ Google

Law and Economics:

[ IndexEncyclopedia of Law and Economics - 170 top quality sorted topic overviews in .pdf . See e.g. :

0610 Public Choice,  2200  Zoning and Land Use Regulation,  1100  Original Assignment of Property Rights,
0730 Coase's Theorem,  0740 Transaction Costs,   2000 Private and Common Property, 2100 Nuisance,
0380 Law and Economics in Serbia,  0530 New Institutional Economics, 0750  Public Goods and Public Clubs
1300 Decomposition of Property Rights, 3800 Property Rules vs. Liability Rule, 6200 Takings  and MORE

[ Concise Encyclopedia of Economics ] [ Index ] [ Topics ] [ Links ]
[ Efficiency ] [ Property Rights  - for Sesame Street ]]

David Friedman :  " Economic Analysis of Law" "Law as a Private Good"  "Should Medicine be a Commodity"
                                " Misc Ideas"  "Anarchy and Efficient law"   "Drugs, Violence, and Economics"  "Libertarian Stuff"
                                  "Law's Order" -index - Journal of Interesting Economics | Future Imperfect-Draft |
Review of " From Posner to Postmodernists "

Top Ten Law School Downloads | European Assoc Law & Economics : Links | FOCUS ON LAW AND ECONOMICS |

[ search ] IDEAS- extensive ( but very selected/ incomplete ) online working papers depository

Search Case Law: Cornell - Legal Information Institute | LexixNexis |

[ Law and Politics ] from Univ of Texas [ in Spanish ]


Phoenix Center for Advanced Legal & Economic Public Policy Studies | Papers |
USC [ Center for Law, Economics, and Organizarion ] [ Cleo papers ] [ Olin Papers ]
Cop Bsn Sch: [ LINK: papers ]
Max Planck Inst :   [ research ]  [ papers ]
Mackinac Center for Public Policy | home |
| Ronald Coase Institutue | RCI links | The Firm,the Market, and the Law- pp1-15 |
Institute for Justice | IJ Links |
PERC : School Choice Research Center :


[ LexisNexis ] [ US Constitution ] [NM index] [ NM Const ] [ Territorial Law and Treaties ]
[ Federalist Papers ]
[ Cornell Legal Information Inst ] [ NM page ] [ Univ of NM Law : Site Map ]
Find Law : Economics :        :       :
Top Ten Law School Downloads
Native American links from:  [ K. Strom - General - Legal - Activist ]  [ Univ of Oregon  Law School ]


ABA LANDUSE LIST:     An open discussion group for issues relating to land use and regulation, planning,zoning issues and in general all topics
                                    relating to government regulation of real property  (including takings). This is an Open list.   To Subscribe Top sellers in Land Use Law |

CERES :[ Law of Regulatory Takings:[ Calif Land Use Law ] [Fed Environ Law ]
Takings: [Intro:  Inst of Self Govn ] [ Univ of Wash ] [ planners web ] [ Ceres ] [ Epstein ]
 Lucas v South Carolina Coastal Council 505 U.S. 1003 (1992) :
[ Pace] Thanks to Bill Fischel: A Photographic Essay-1995 : Update-2000 |
Penn Central Transportation Co. v. New York City, 438 U.S. 104
 Palazzolo v. Rhode Island, 533 U.S. ___ (2001). R Epstein AMICUS CURIAE Brief
Suitum v. Tahoe Regional Planning Agency, 520 U.S. 725 (1997)[final] [4-23-02 NY Times ]
Southwestern Illinois Development Authority v. National City Environmental, L.L.C., 768 N.E.2d 1 (Ill. 2002) [ rehearing ] [summary of ]
Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals (92-102), 509 U.S. 579 (1993). | summary | Dauber Factors| In a Nutshell  | Procedures |
Evidence and Expert Testimony | | Rand Org on |

Steven Eaglestestimony to: Subcommittee Hearing on "State Approaches to Protecting Private Property Rights" 9-23-97

Robert Cooter [ Strategic Consitution - download in .pdf 1574 kb ]

POLITICS, Misc Articles, Topics:

RJ Rummel | [ What is Democratic Freedom ] [ Rummel's Links Page ]

James Buchanan: "Calculus of Consent" "Demand and Supply of Public Goods"  Collected Works

Economic LibraryLinks : Constitutional Classics ;

David Friedman's online "Price Theory-An Intermediate Text"
Lawrence Boland's  online Books: " Methods of Economic Analysis"  "Methodology for a New Microeconomics"

Political Books on Line |

Varian's Information Economics | Usage Based Pricing | Network Economics | Policy and Law |
NETWORK ECONOMICS:  Nicholas Economides | McKie-Mason | Iowa State/ACE | Santa Fe | Page & Lopathka .pdf |
Sante Fe Institute :  | El Farol :  WB Arthur ; Yale wang |
Modeling : GAMS ; [ home ] [ intro ]

Asymmetric Information Markets 2001 Nobel  |
Joseph Stiglitz : interview | interview2 | interview 3 | PBS interviewmajor works |
Alliance for Democracy | Alternative Economics |
papers ]: [ Property and Contract in Economics: The Case for Economic Democracy ] [Intro to Property Rights .pdf]
Bernard Grofman:Institutional Design in Plural Societies: Mitigating Ethnic Conflict and Fostering Stable Democracy[.pdf] ;
Designing Institutions [ S. J. Brams ] [ Bernard Grofman Class Constitutional Engingeering-.pdf][ Empiral Research ] [ APSA ]
World Bank [Governance. Corruption, legal reform] [Free trade and the Climb out of Poverty]
Overpopulation: Ehrlichman-Simon Bet |

MAPS:USGS NM [ MapsTerraserver | Topo Depot | Sylvan | Taos |

CEPA | History of Economic Thought | CCE : links |

Interview w/ David Friedman on C-Span re "Hidden Order: "The Economics of Everyday Life"

Univ of Or : Law and Politics ; Univ of Michigan: Politics ;

Game Theory and Experimental Economics: Al Roth | And Politics-Sylabbi | SUNY-Links |
Game Theory:|  History-WmKing | Levine-UCLA :Cooperative Learning Game | Intro |
Intro | John Nash: Nash Equilibrium | Non-Linear Modeling |

Performance Budgeting | states | US | problems with-Mises Inst | NM Accountability in Government Act | AGA |

James Connelly- Voting  : definitions ; bibliography ; links ;

Voting Parodoxes | approval/alternative voting | Lewis Carrol / Charles Dodgson: voting models : early voting models
recalculating consent-NA | Property, Power, and Public Choice | Iowa Electronic Market : for NYC 2001 Major WSJ |
Public Choice, Law, and Mathematics: Vanderbilt : Citizens and Public Choice: Books from NIF Kettering Fnd. |
Goedel's Incompleteness Theorem : summaries  ; complete| goedel-escher-bach |

Voting and electoral systems: General [ FAQ ] Vanderbilt |
Proportional Voting; [  CVD ]  [ FAQ ] [ Links ][ Currently there are 41 well-established democracies with at least two million  inhabitants and high ratings
from the human rights organization Freedom House, and of these 41 nations only three (the United States, Canada and Jamaica) do not use
a form of proportional or semi-proportional voting systems to elect one of their national legislature ]-fromCenter for Voting and Democracy
[Proportional Voting-(Doug Amy) ;  Library |   | Beginning | Bibliography| Articles | Links |
Designing Institutions [ S. J. Brams ] [ Bernard Grofman Class Constitutional Engingeering-.pdf][ Empiral Research ] [ APSA ]

Kenneth Arrow
Gordon Tullock: | On Voting |
Douglas North: |
Yoram Barzel:
Harold Demsetz :
Nokoloai Foss [ Links ]
Michael C. Jensen [papers]
Erik Brynjolfsson [papers ]
Richard N. Langlois [ Vanishing Hand: {abs} {all } ]
Elinor Ostrom: [ Competition and Cooperation, ed ]
Karl Popper :
Thomas Kuhn :[ The Structure of Scientific Revolutions ] [ xxx ] [ yyy]
Oliver Hart :
Oliver Williamson
Gary Becker
Vernon Smith
Paul Heyne

Direct Democracy:| Google Search |  Outcome, Process and Power in Direct Democracy [ 29p-.pdf ] |

Transactions Cost: bibliography | Steven Cheung   |

Oil Market : [ Basics DOE , EIA ] [ US ME Oil Policy ] [ Afganistan Oil/Gas ] [ Dec 98 US DOE re pipelines ] [ Caspian Sea Reserves ]
PBS: looking for answers |

ME: | Foundation for Middle east Peace : settlements| Prof Talmon's 1980 letter to Begin | treaties |


DEREGULATION:   Calif Elect Restructuring :  Univ of Cal Elect Inst - working papers |
                                   Steve Stoff's  Links -  Book:  Power System Economics:Designing Markets for Electricity publ by IEEE/Wiley Press|
                                                                                   | to download(in .pdf) : best of | contents | entire | reference: HTML Links |
                                    T.Smith" Cal Elect Monster " | Phoenix Center |
                                    Center for responsive Politics: Electricity Deregulation |

Livable wage [ 1999 Univ of Wisc Symposium ]


SOCIAL JUSTICE  [ John Rawls - Original Position ] [ Distributive Justice ]
CESJ - Center for Economic and Social Justice -

Overviews ;
HILL, P. J. "Public Choice: A Review" Issue #34, Fall 1999, pp. 1-10.

SOCIAL CONTRACT [  Modern Summary ]

Financial Scandels

PBS: world economies
Hoover Institure: Russian Federalism:  A Contradiction in Terms |

Taos Teen Net .

Constitutional Political Economy | Journal of Law and Economics | Public Choice Journal - online current issue | Austrian Economics |
Journal of Public Economic Theory | Journal of Intersesting Economics | American Law and Economics Journal |
Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization | Journal of International Economic Law |

erich's mentors:
| Armen Alchian | CEPA |
Axel Leijonhufvud  CEPA  |
James Buchanan | CEPA |
Jack Hirshleifer ; CEPA ; state preference approach |

last updated 10-26-02

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