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This is the Introduction to  the book No Time for Karma, Stepping off the wheel of pain and struggle. 

Welcome to planet Earth!

Today, as we prepare to cross the cusp, somewhere near the beginning of the 21st century, from the Picean age into the Aquarian age, we see that the human mind en masse has been opened to the search for peace, harmony, spirituality and the limitless possibilities of turning everything that we once thought of as mysticism or science fiction into our intimate personal realities.

How is it that we are now living in a world where the secret teachings of the ages, the secrets of mastery, ascension, and miracles are spelled out in books that are on top of the best seller list? How is it that people now have the opportunity to acquaint themselves with and master the eternal secrets of enlightenment and conscious co-creation of our universe?

Something happens to inhabitants of this planet when an Aquarian age dawns. And what happens is not an accident, it is not random, it is not without purpose. Everyone will be privy to the hidden secrets of prophets, yogis, and masters in the Aquarian age. Some will get this information sooner than others will, and they will want to guide the earth into its healing, cleansing and renewal.

Each of us who are interested in these subjects came to the planet with a purpose, as emissaries of the cosmic "save the earth" committee, if you will. It is revealed to each of us what our function is and the depth and breadth of our mission (our play, our joyful activity) according to our very individualized schedule. Perhaps we gain our insight in little pieces or perhaps instantaneously through a near death experience or other high impact life altering blow. No matter what our individual contribution to healing the planet is, however, there are some fundamental concepts of what reality is and how it functions that must be understood if we are to walk on water and transcend other supposed laws of nature. That is the subject of this book.

You knew that when you arrived in this wonderful, confusing, sometimes stimulating, sometimes terrifying place that you were likely to forget who you were. But as you are reminded of who you are and what you are doing here your memory will come back quickly and easily. Don’t worry, you are normal (at least in a cosmic sense) and you are capable of bearing all the gifts for humanity that you have dreamed about. Your purpose is valiant and your dreams of healing and empowering yourself and your planet are being fulfilled even though you often have grave doubts. The One who sent you has never had a messenger fail yet, nor will you. So relax and enjoy the trip for a change.  

We’ll start with a little background.

Only in recent years has our society become tolerant of metaphysical points of view. (Meta, beyond, and physical, i.e., a view point of life from other than the normal physical world perspective.) In the early part of the twentieth century much of what we see on Oprah and PBS today was taboo. Knowledge of things like out-of-body travel, near death experiences, astral planes, auras, and the hierarchy could cause one to lose their job or be ostracized from certain segments of society, or worse (remember the Salem witch trials?). It is interesting to note, though, that throughout history there have been many secret societies that taught the ancient secrets of the "mystery schools" to any serious seeker, including such people as Nostradamus and Meister Eckhart.

Each person arrives at their sense of cosmic purpose (that which you most love to do) through a unique series of events and experiences. You have had many of these events and experiences as have I. And you, like myself, probably tend to discount or rationalize some of them. But in retrospect it is obvious each tiny insight and awakening was critically positioned and timed to get us moving in our chosen direction.

In this introduction I want to share a few of my own special moments for several reasons. One is that while each of us has a unique series of revelations, both subtle and blatant, there is a thread of commonality in the whole awakening process. This commonality allows us to identify with our purpose as one that is normal instead of unreal. Hearing each other's stories ultimately increases our sense of security and our ability to be unconditional in our acceptance of another's path.

Another reason for sharing the personal aspect of my story is to give the reader a basis for intuitive connection and intuitive verification of the "stories" that are included in this book. As these stories remind you, as they did me, of the "secrets" of the universe, they obviously go beyond what is scientifically verifiable about the now known universe. Hence the need for intuitive veracity. Science says there is no solid evidence that UFO's exist and millions of people say they have had encounters, visual or otherwise, with UFO's. Physics says water is liquid, Jesus demonstrated it as solid, etc., etc.

So, if I may, a few of the awarenesses that told me I (and probably all of us) wasn't here just to chop wood and carry water.

I'm not sure what age I was, ten or eleven maybe, when I received a very reassuring, unmistakable message from "spirit" clarifying something that happened at church a couple of hours earlier. As I look back on my religious upbringing, I feel very fortunate. The church that my expanded family - grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins - as well as my immediate family attended regularly was not a particularly devil centered nor guilt motivated church. The sermons were generally about moral issues, doing good deeds, and such. Fairly innocuous with few lasting guilts to overcome. However, this Sunday a visiting minister was giving the talk. He spoke louder than any preacher I had ever heard, and he pointed a great deal. He spoke about things I was completely unfamiliar with - hell fire and brimstone and eternal punishment imposed by an angry God. On the way home from church in the DeSoto, mother tried to explain, or rationalize, what we had all heard. This being my first indication that God might be my enemy, I had all my brain cells engaged in analyzing the possibilities and possible courses of action that were available in my life.

When the family got home I chose to stay out in the yard alone, to ponder these new and somewhat terrifying implications. I remember exactly where I was when the voice spoke inside my head. I was passing between the old brick incinerator and the chain link fence, twenty yards or so from the kitchen window. "That doesn't apply to you. There is nothing you could do to make God mad at you. You will always be OK." The voice was gentle, not at all like the preacher's. It wasn't emphatic, just matter of fact. But it knew that God was on my side and so I knew. As I walked toward the kitchen door I knew that for as long as I lived I would never fear God nor what came after death. As powerful as that moment was and as meaningful to my life's work, at the time it was hardly worth mentioning. It wasn't until many years later, when I was discovering that the purpose of my life wasn't to be "successful" in the corporate world, that the significance of that moment and several others dawned on me.

In 1968, the year that my first child was born, I began to be fascinated with psychic phenomena, not for any spiritual reasons but just because it was intriguing. The worlds of clairvoyance, out of body travel, telepathy, future reading, past life reading, healing, teleportation, etc. were constantly under my scrutiny. I read, observed and work-shopped with or about every paranormal person I could find. I was fortunate to get to spend time with and converse at length with a large number of psychic functioners and parapsychologists over the years.

Along with the exhilaration of being with people who regularly superseded the acceptable normal limits of human communication and human accomplishment went a great frustration. It was they who were having the first hand experience, not me. Although the stories they told and the healings I observed, and the very expressions on their faces as they "make contact" were awe inspiring, it was still second hand experience. The difference between the prophets and the preachers is that only one of them had the actual experience and the actual knowing. I wanted to be the prophet, not the news man.

In 1973 I took the Sylva Mind Control course. Forty hours of classroom training in psychic functioning. I discovered that not only could I remember how to function psychically and clairvoyantly with just one week's training, but everybody could. As one Sylva instructor put it, "If you don't consider yourself to be a walking, talking psychic at the end of the course you get your money back, no questions ask". I went through the course seven times (you can repeat as many times as you like for a nominal chair charge), I never heard of anyone wanting their money back. And I never questioned whether I could function psychically after that.

I began meeting regularly with my "guides" from other dimensions or other planes of reality. They told me things about the earth system and its parallel realities. They showed me "movies" of events related to earth and events related to other systems. They showed me other times, past and future. They showed me "no-time time". They showed me "simultaneous-time time". They showed me universes created in an instant by a thought. They showed me first cause. They showed me causative creative force. They showed me that there is no objective reality. They showed me that the Love that stands behind all of creation is incapable of allowing harm to occur. They showed me that the personal revelations of truth that every prophet and every master teacher throughout history have had were real and valid. They showed me that the only revelations that are worth a hoot are the ones that we each have internally, personally. And much, much more.

I saw what the Aquarian age on earth is for. I saw reinstatement of the Garden of Eden on earth if we each follow our joy. I saw that it is not a question of whether the forces of good or evil will triumph. I saw that all expressions of duality, good and evil included, are illusions used by the teachers in earth school to educate us into our rightful status as individualizations of God.

But having seen far more than I could comprehend and having felt far more love and acceptance than I could assimilate, there was still something wrong. I was still a newscaster. With my eyes closed I could see and feel and know "the big picture". But I was still connected to this body (not a mistake they kept reassuring me).

I could get answers to unanswerable questions. I could see the perfection in the apparent unfairness of life on earth. If my eyes were closed. But when I was back in the "real world" of making a living and handling my relationships, the big picture faded quickly. Lack of worldly needs, arguments and injustice have a way of shifting our focus away from our lofty cosmic mission on planet earth to a self centered disempowed perspective very quickly.

Then quite without warning something startling happened. My life began to work! Impeccably it began to work!

I was employed by a large airline. I was an engineer and the "fleet leader" for the Boeing 707 fleet (kind of gives my age away, doesn't it). My responsibilities included fleet performance. Any flight delays or cancellations caused by maintenance or engineering problems were my responsibility. It's a very competitive, stressful job. Now, for no apparent reason, it became a stress free job. Literally, for a five-month period, I did no work. Everything got taken care of and I took care of nothing. For that five-month period the 707 fleet was not only the top performing fleet in that airline, but among all U. S. airlines. I came to the office, I drank coffee, I chatted a lot, and I had fun every day. All the pressure was off.

Not only were things great at work, they were great in all aspects of my life. For five months harmony prevailed at home, my car ran perfectly, my health was great, it was peace, pleasantry, and heaven every where I turned.

In addition to my life going quite nicely, thank you, other peoples lives got better when they spent time with me. Often people who had colds would talk to me for a few minutes, about anything, and leave with no colds. My secretary took notice of these phenomena and began to bring people to me simply to shoot the breeze for awhile. I didn't catch on to her motives until one day she explained. The woman who she had placed in the chair next to my desk a couple of weeks back was now in remission. No sign of the cancer, the doctors said.

A woman that I knew from a spiritual study group commented on my new found state of peacefulness. She said "you're so peaceful all the time, you must meditate constantly". Without thinking I replied, "no I don't meditate at all, I am meditation". And it was how I felt. I had made it. My spiritual seeking had ended. I had found what everyone is looking for. I was living proof that a state of enlightenment is possible to obtain while in a body. I had no more to learn. I was complete. Finished. Fini.

Then the balloon burst.

Dreams have always been very useful and meaningful to me. Now I had a doosey of a dream. It was vivid and in intricate detail. Briefly, I was told that the condition of my life for the last five months was not created by me. It was created for me by "them". I was told that within this lifetime I could gain enough understanding to manifest that kind of life on my own, without their help. I had merely been given something to shoot for. They were going on vacation, I was told. It would be up to me to learn how to take control of my life to the extent that I could demonstrate the "natural universal state of being" (all the pressure off, peace, bliss, harmony, joy) to people living in this unnatural earth-school state of being (anxiety, doubt, guilt, helplessness). Not only did I have a good shot at obtaining this state of awakened living while still on this planet, but I might be able to get proficient enough at it that I could facilitate a few other folk's awakened state also. Actually, I am informed, there are many tens of thousands of cosmic emissaries on the planet who probably will obtain this same all-the-pressure-is-off state of living within the next few years. We teach the planet to take the pressure off by learning to take the pressure off of ourselves. We teach the planet to be at peace by learning the meaning of inner peace. We heal the planet by healing ourselves. You can't fight for peace, they say. That's an oxymoron.

Well it was heaven to hell in the span of one short dream. Everything came tumbling down. It all went to hell in a hand basket. But what an education! Every control issue I have ever had was revealed to me. Every resistance. Every attachment. Every time I gave my power away to another person to make me happy or make me depressed, they demonstrated the power I gave them. Every block that I have had to accepting love, peace and happiness has been shown to me right in my face.

Becoming a master is a self guided trip. The ascension is a trip up stairs built by each of us. There is no vicarious atonement. There is only the decision to take back our position in the kingdom. There must be the willingness to return to the natural state of being in the universe and forsake this unnatural game of separation, struggle, one upmanship, and defending our positions.

The master teachers have always known they couldn't do it for us. They could only be examples that we could follow. Now it’s our turn. We are here to make life work, for ourselves and, because we are telepathically linked to all life on earth, for all those who will choose of their own free will to look at our examples.

Our job is to remember every little cosmic thought that has been hiding in the back closet of our subconscious minds. Our job is to get happy.

By What Authority . . .

A short time ago, after giving a workshop, I was asked by a woman, "What is God?" It was getting late and folks were ready to head home so I said, "I don’t really know."

Later, as I was thinking about that gathering of seekers I felt I had done the woman a disservice. While it is true that a complete understanding of God or three dimensional reality, let alone fourth and fifth dimensional reality, is way beyond my grasp, there might have been an answer that would be more helpful to her at this point on her journey.

Religious or philosophical leaders have often told us what God is. Maybe it is more important to us, at this point in time, to be aware of what God is not. It is difficult for many of us to relate to a God who is a "father" if we didn’t have a particularly loving or supportive father ourselves. It can be difficult to relate to a God who is judging us based on our deeds and thoughts. Even if God is a forgiving God, we aren’t convinced that we are worthy of forgiveness.

The bible says God made man in his own image. Many people turn that around and believe that God is made in man’s image, or at least has similar characteristics to people we know.

God is not lost. God is not struggling. God does not have an ego that gets upset when things don’t go his way. God doesn’t get angry with people. God doesn’t get impatient. God is not male or female or even androgynous. God is principle, meaning not swayed by personalities or egos. God is the principle of unvarying love, creativity, compassion, the source of all that is. Because God is principle he/it cannot be offended and cannot possibly deny unlimited joy to all that he/it has created, including each of us.

To try to describe God is to rely on concepts, even cliches, which we don’t fully comprehend. We have been trained that with enough education and research we should be able to explain anything. That isn’t true when it comes to God. The cliches are true enough, God is love, God is all, and God is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. But to have the understanding of these phrases give us the "peace that passeth all understanding" is not something very many people have attained yet.

One thing that God is is unconditional Love. Unconditional may be a word beyond our understanding. There is nothing any human could do to be cast outside of God’s embrace. No guilt we have ever had was justified. No depression we have ever had was based on a true (cosmic) perception of our situation. As we come into the understanding of these statements we will realize we have healed ourselves and our planet and set our family free. Cool, huh?

You and I have gone through life with a not so rational underlying knowing that we should continue to believe there might be some value in pushing for lofty goals that might be impossible to attain. These goals related to peace on earth, a clean green planet, and outpicturing our own other worldly type of spiritual knowing. Some of us might even have imagined in a Luke Skywalker/Princess Lea sort of way that we had some extraterrestrial type of mission to earth as a member of a "planetary transition team".

You realize, of course, that there is nothing to be found in any niche of recorded history or planetary logic to support any of these goals or fantasies as having the ability to come to fruition on this planet, ever.

There is no historical precedent for mankind living in peace as one tribe. There is nothing to support the possibility of reversing the ever increasing disregard for human life, plant life, gaia life. There is no scientific documentation to support the notion that any human being could be more than merely human and demonstrate dominion over, instead of subjugation to, this three dimensional plane of reality.

But in spite of the "evidence" to the contrary, I have seen, and will share with you a vision of the future that confirms that our subtle inner yearnings are not without basis. Indeed these suppressed altruistic leanings and hard to make out visions of grandeur are about to explode into a movement more powerful than any political, military, or industrial revolution in history.

We are entering the Aquarian age. An age that comes around on the astrological calendar only once every twenty six thousand years.

We have no recorded history from twenty six thousand years ago. But we do have a history of sorts. We have mythology and legend and verbal traditions that speak of the beginning times. These legends speak of the flood and the sinking of Atlantis. They also speak of the Garden of Eden and of times when the Gods and Goddesses roamed the earth, a time before mankind knew the meaning of good and evil.

In this book I want to share with you how I know that your reason for being on earth is far grander than anything you might have allowed yourself to really believe, or even fantasize. I want to share with you how I know that within forty years parts of our home planet will be entirely pollution free. In considerably less than forty years houses will be constructed without locks on doors. In some places people will feel no need whatsoever to barricade themselves against their fellow man. People are actually going to trust total strangers as much as we trust our most intimate friends. We actually are creating a "one family per planet" kind of home here.

The process has already begun. Slowly, but it is underway.

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