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This is chapter four in the book No Time for Karma, stepping off the wheel of pain and struggle.


Enlightenment is very intriguing to folks who are on the path. Sometimes we think of enlightenment as being something that a Buddha or a Krishna can hand down to us on a silver platter. We want to believe that if Christ came down and kissed us on the forehead that we would become awakened. Actually enlightenment has nothing to do with any master teacher or even god, god, very god most high. It is simply a matter of changing our perspective.

To get a feel for what true enlightenment is, we have to get a feel for what we are, truly. Who we really are and what we happen to see while we are in this three dimensional reality are two entirely different things. Who we are is who we have always been, aspects of God. As an individualization of God, each of us possesses all of the immutable characteristics that we attribute to God. Our true nature can be stated by recalling all of the words we would use to describe the unlimited, omnipotent, omniscient, loving creator of the universe.

But we don't see ourselves this way. As we look through the dimness of our limited belief systems we assign to ourselves the characteristics of what we think we see as the true nature of the world around us. And what we perceive to be the nature of the world, we perceive in error. For we have been looking on our world with the eyes of the authority figures who raised us, not with cosmic vision.

There seem to be two realities. One, which is theoretical to most of us, is the lofty reality of God consciousness, the state of awareness where enlightened beings surely dwell. The other, which is the nitty gritty "real" world that we live in, is the one where our attention is focused ninety nine percent of the time. Many spiritual seekers, both orthodox and unorthodox, believe that it is within the power of enlightened beings to transport us from one state of consciousness into the other. 'tain't so.

Graduates of Earth School Return

The plan of salvation is simply a scheme whereby individuals who have figured out a little bit of the puzzle will share their information with anyone who is interested. So graduates of this school occasionally return for "back to school day." They tell us some good stories about who we are and what our true nature is. What we do with that information is entirely up to us.

These returning graduates tell us that the natural state of being in all of the universes is joy, bliss, no stress, no pressure, abundance, adventure, excitement, peace and love. If this was not the natural condition then no entity could ever attain these characteristics permanently. If these states were abnormal then one would have to continually be paddling upstream to be at peace - a contradiction in terms.

On the other hand, they tell us that pain, struggle, pressure, stress, tragedy, and conflict are the abnormalities in the universe. And one truly must paddle up stream to maintain a state of discomfort. They tell us that we paddle upstream by defending our beliefs even though our beliefs haven't made us happy. They say that if we will stop paddling up stream it will be the stream's good pleasure to include us in the natural flow of the universe.

One of the errors in belief that we usually defend is that we are separate individuals. They tell us this is one belief that we must give up if we don't want it to continue to be "me against the universe". Each of us is a part of the universe. No - each of us is the universe. No entity can attain enlightenment alone because "alone" is an impossible absurdity so far as the true reality is concerned.

Instantaneous vs. Evolutionary Enlightenment

Although anything in this universe is possible, the instantaneous enlightenments that happen when someone is walking down the road to Damascus and the light comes and truth is revealed, usually only occur after we have been working on ourselves for fifteen million years or so. Awakening is not instantaneous at all because this is an evolutionary system.

If you were to visit a guru in the East, he would tell you to sit down and shut up and watch your breath for twenty years and then you might be ready to learn something. In the West we are far too impatient for gurus. We would rather spend five hundred dollars for an intensive weekend seminar that promises us instant enlightenment. We like to believe that we have completed our prerequisites for instant awakening.

Well, the trip back home is nothing more than looking in the mirror and seeing that I am that I am. Each of us is god, god, very god most high and that is what we have always been since the beginning of creation, but we must go through an evolutionary process to come back to the place where we can remember that truth.

If we are honest we must admit that our spiritual pursuit is not motivated by the fact that we love God or want to go to the light. In truth we do not care about any of that - we just want the pressure off! We want the pain and struggle to end and that is the only reason that we seek. No one need feel guilty about his or her motivation. We don't have to say "Gosh, I'm not being very spiritual about this..." It is the way that the system was created to work.

The universe has always understood what motivates humans. Instead of judging us, it simply takes advantage of our human nature to lead us back to God. The universe knew that we were not going to do anything too altruistic. The plan of salvation is not only perfect, it is downright practical. If someone is trying to learn truth for the purpose of ending her poverty or curing her disease, she will end up with God. The universe does not expect any more of us than that we end our own suffering. Then we will wake up one day to find that we have remembered our unlimited natural state of being.

The Fall of Man

Attaining enlightenment is the very same process as attaining unenlightenment was. We all started out as perfect individualized pieces of God. Then, as explorers, we began experimenting with states of being other than "perfect". We tried on limitation for size. Limitation is fun and intriguing. Many people enjoy finding their way out of mazes. The point we must remember is that, somewhere along the way, we voluntarily allowed our belief systems, our perceptions, to become limited. It wasn't done to us. It was done by us. Our free will has never been violated. We were not carried kicking and screaming from a state of infinite awareness into a state of limitation. Because our free will can never be violated, we must use the very same ability to make choices about what we will believe and with which eyes we will see, to regain our enlightenment. There is no vicarious atonement.

This earth was created by entities who journeyed forth into the universe as explorers. We are all adventurers. Mankind's entire history is an exploration of new lands, new continents, the moon in the heavens and the depths of the sea. It is the same for those who dwell in the rest of the universe too. The founders of this school chose to explore all of the realms of reality that they could think to create, and they created them in the moment that they envisioned them. When you start from the allness there is only one way to go. That was the beginning of our descent process loosely referred to as "the fall" in the Bible.

Unlimited beings who were used to living in an infinite number of dimensions declared, "This is boring. Let's try living in one hundred millionth dimensional reality. Oh, this is fun and exciting, but I'm getting tired of it. Let's go back to the light. Now let's go down and try one thousandth dimensional reality - that will really be confined. We'll have to work our way out of that one. What a challenge! It's so dense down here that there is even color. This is magical but I am ready to go back to the light. Okay let's try third dimensional reality on our next trip. 3-D is so limited it is almost not being! Wow this is barely existing! Oh God, it is so confined that things are solid. We've never had solidity before. Let's play! I want to be a goat. I want to be a tree. I want to be an archangel. This is great down here but let's go back to the ... what? The where? I forgot. Where is that window? Where is that door? Uh oh - I think I'm trapped."

There comes a point at which we have pulled down so many shades that there is not enough light to find our way home. Then we say, "I know there is a door here somewhere so let's start looking. That's it - we'll become seekers!" We used to be knowers but now we are seekers. And our friends who were still living in the light said, "Hey you guys down there, it's okay. We'll create a plan of salvation to get you home" to which we replied, "Don't you tell us what to do. We have free will!" Exasperated, they said "Okay, we won't violate your free will. We'll let you suffer for as long as you like but when you are ready we'll have someone down there for you to follow home. He won't drag you. You'll have to follow him."

Every time that someone has come down here to show us the door we made a savior out of him or her. We called them messiahs. Actually it was only Harry or Sue who came down to help us find the door. The plan of salvation is not "divine" at all - - it is common sense. It is nothing more than people helping people who have pulled down too many shades to see the light.

The Priests and The Prophets

In compliance with the plan, at the beginning of every astrological age a master has always appeared on the earth to take the simple truth -- and truth is always simple -- and restate it in the language of the day rather than the language of the old. They laid out the guidelines for that new age. When the teachings were first spoken they were just good spiritual common sense. Whether it was a Buddha or Abraham or Mohammed, they all said something that would clarify and simplify the current dogma. Through time, the teachers became deified and their students could no longer relate to them. Along with the deification of the teachers, the teachings were altered. As time passes, spiritual teachings begin to include the interpretations and opinions of the "priests". Dogma takes over.

There have always been two types of teachers on the planet - the priests and the prophets. The prophets bring great insight to the people through their intuitive atunement to spirit. The priests take the prophet's words and make them sacred and then tell everybody else how to do life. They tell us to have great reverence for the master and to idolize all teachers. They make a divinity out of a Jesus and a God out of a Buddha which makes them seem like something that we can never be. The true masters never wanted to be on any body's pedestal. Jesus himself spent much of his time saying "I'm not your king, I'm your brother!" and then the priests turned around and made a God out of him. As spiritual students we have all heard that we should have great reverence for the hierarchy, the logos and the angelic kingdoms. We put them out in the sanctuary or on our alters to worship them. But our guidance doesn't come from the shrines, it comes from within us.

For the dedicated spiritual student the time of the priest has ended. Soon, the time of the prophetic voice that is separate from our inner voice, will also end. Those outer voices were appropriate in the ages where individuals did not have concrete connections with their own guidance. When folks did not have clear inner vision they needed the teacher to say, "if you don't want to take another ten thousand trips around the cycle, here is a path to follow."

Paths, Gurus and Service

Paths are extremely useful to students whose intuitive selves have not been fully developed. However, since a path is someone else's idea of what we require in order to get home, there comes a time at which we must wean ourselves from the path. Ultimately the only path that will be expedient for us is the one communicated to us by our inner voice.

Discretion is called for here. Avoid making judgments (errors in perception) about whether someone else is on the right path or not. We are talking about expediting our own personal trip to joy, not what other people need. Each one chooses for himself.

We, as masters in training, go through an experimental phase, trial and error if you will, of gaining confidence in our inner guidance. We test our inner voice. Sometimes what we think is the inner voice of God is the inner voice of ego - and we blow it. That's OK. We can try again, and if need be we can return to the guru outside of ourselves for advice.

As we wean ourselves from dependence on gurus, master teachers, and even parents, we can stay connected with them if we like. But we change how we see them. We remove them from the pedestals, no longer to follow in blind faith, and we place them in a chair at our mental conference table as advisors.

Much of what we are discussing here is just a matter of semantics. We have believed that there were teachers outside of ourselves and knowledge outside of ourselves. So we have been used to seeking for wisdom in that which is outside of ourselves. This is okay to the universe. It teaches within the frame work of our belief system. But we also know that the only thing we can see outside of ourselves is that which is a part of us. What we see as reality is a mirror. We are just trying some tricks here to help us remember that I am the wisdom I seek. Enlightenment is remembering.

There are many forms of gurus. The guru can be a person (living or dead), a book, a philosophy or a tradition. What ever it is, it has two sides to it. It contains some elements of truth and some elements of human distortion. So whether your guru has been Jesus, the Bible, A Course in Miracles, the Bagavid Gita, the Native American tradition, nature, the mystery school teachings, or one of the modern "channellers" of the ancient wisdom, don't take it too seriously. If you place more value on the literal words, or rituals, of the guru than you do on your own inner hunches and insights, you are in for a long, slow, and maybe stressful, trip. Nothing out there is "sacred". It is just what it is.

If at this point in human development, paths and gurus and teachings had never been invented, it wouldn't matter. The universe would immediately come up with a new trick to get us to discover our true nature. And it would do it without violating our free wills.

Whether we see ourselves as path walkers, former path walkers or as observers of path walkers, it is useful in our training as spiritual teachers to explore the paths that have evolved out of the human condition. One of the first things that seekers learn on their paths is that we are related to all of humankind. That alters one's picture of reality dramatically. Out of this understanding spiritual students sooner or later develop a sense of purpose. Our mission, our path, as it becomes slowly apparent, seems to be to serve other people.

The head guru of nearly every path sometimes suggests, or implies, what method of service is appropriate. But, as we continue to unfold and experiment with our inner connection with the cosmic, we reveal to ourselves our own unique form of service to humankind. The more that we evolve, the more we recognize that we all have the same goals generally. Our uniqueness is in how we help implement peace and understanding on earth. One person does it as a computer programmer and another as a mail clerk. Literally there are no two paths of service that are the same even though the objective of all of them is to outpicture oneness with God.

Somewhere near the end of our journey through time and space, awakening mankind discovers that we are not related to other people at all - - we are the other people. Each person, regardless of awareness, is an aspect of God. Each person has all of the attributes and characteristics of God. The goal of the awakening student shifts from fixing people and situations which seem to be in error into becoming a living example of the healing, loving power of the divine principle. When individuals function from a sense of being separate from other people, they equate doing anything for the self as conceit. But when they function with awareness they understand that there is but one mind, one heart and one soul in all of the universes. So to serve the self is to serve all that is. Not only do we all deserve lots of wonderful things in our lives, we must learn that prosperity and perfect health and inner peace are the natural state of being. You cannot give a gift that you do not possess.

All paths end at the beginning. All paths end when the disciple has the audacity to say "I talk with God - - I Am God!"

The Bible as a Path

The Bible can be looked at as a path - a path that each of us has been following for ages. It starts with the purely karmic way of an eye for an eye. Then Moses (representing one who understands cosmic law) tries to lead the children of Israel (the seekers) out of the wilderness (the stressed life). After many generations of wars (led by the intellectuals) a great master teacher shows up. The teacher states the truth in parables (each must interpret in the context of their own subjective reality). Then comes many years of interpretation of the teacher's words in the letters to the various churches (representing our internal process of trying to reconcile our newly remembered "truth" with our old internal staid institutions - our habits and beliefs). The Bible is not, nor is any other spiritual guide book, about external events and philosophies. It is a metaphor for our personal internal process. Nothing exists external to ourselves.

The last book in the Bible is Revelations. Here is where things are revealed to the seeker directly. There can't be any more books after Revelation. After we reach this point in our development we know that their are no more answers "out there." The answers must now be revealed internally. The evolution of the soul doesn't end here, just the book.

Initiation into mastership means that a person releases all the spiritual crutches and does their demonstration relying strictly on their inner guidance. It can be a fearful step. It has been referred to as "the dark night of the soul." Jesus revealed his personal struggle with this step when he cried out, "my God, my God, why have you abandoned me?"

When a person reaches that critical level of trust where they shift from making decisions based on the input of authority figures or other gurus to relying on inner guidance, hazy though it may be, then they are on the way to becoming self empowered. It is another paradox because when you discover that you are not separate from anyone or anything you become self empowered as an individual.

It is time to acknowledge and pay respect to our own path of individual experience. Actually there are as many plans of salvation as there are human beings because reality is subjective and unique. No one has ever experienced what another person has experienced. No one can do what you can do and no one can be who you can be. You cannot follow a path that is not in harmony with who you are. Whatever you chose to do is okay with the universe. Whatever your goal is, it will take you home. If you want to save the planet, you will end up healing yourself. If you want to heal yourself, you will end up saving the planet. The system is perfect.

The Western Path

When we begin to see life as a series of paradoxes, we are on our way to seeing the big picture. We do not need avatars in the western world because no one would believe them. If Sai Baba himself walked into our work place and started talking, it just would not, in all likelihood, have a positive effect on our coworkers. If we want to teach in the western world we have to comprehend the western mind which demands that a teacher sound intelligent. Therefore it is very appropriate for us to read a lot of books and learn all of the vocabulary so that we will sound like we really have our act together. But we do not actually learn anything from the books. They merely trigger remembrances of that which has always been inside of us. If it had truly been new information it would have taken ten thousand lifetimes to understand.

There is no possible way to learn spiritual truth in one month of reading, if it is new to us. The ease with which we absorb "new" ideas is absolute proof that all we do is reconnect to information that we temporarily lost access to. Any understanding that a person gets is always intuitive. If words made people comprehend truth then everybody would gain the same understanding from a spiritual talk. But no two people ever hear the same meaning. Awakening is the process of remembering what we knew a million years ago, or before time began. So another paradox is that while the only understanding that we will ever have comes from our inner being, we would never make it without the books, tapes, sunsets and music that we all need as continual reminders while we are immersed in this telepathic pool.

The Path Called A Course in Miracles

One of the statements that exists among millions of statements of truth is A Course in Miracles. For people in the western world with the western programming of intellect and technology as king, I believe that the Course is the best modern guide that exists in written form to get us home. The Course in Miracles tells us that where we want to go is to inner peace and that anything else we have been seeking creates a delay in attaining healing or happiness. The way the human mind has been programmed is to say that it wants peace, happiness and joy but then it goes out to buy houses and cars which will only bring payments, debt and stress. We all have a tendency to go after things that we do not want, thinking that they will bring us what we do want. Our programming has always said to seek happiness but don't find it.

The Course tells us that the intermediate steps that we go after will never satisfy us. The message of all three of the Course books can be summarized in one statement: In every moment of every day, use the power of your will to choose peace. If you can do that you will be home free. The master teachers have also told us to go directly to God. They said do not pass go and do not collect two hundred dollars - just go directly. But we like to hedge our bets. We don't want to abandon the wisest earth teachers yet. We think that it is too big of a step to go directly to God so we try to embrace just a little bit of cosmic consciousness instead.

A Course in Miracles is not a theological book. Theologians argue semantics and the meaning of God. They create universities to take a left brain approach to spirituality. They do not understand that people can argue forever without finding an answer. Any argument or debate is insisting that one person must be right and either convince his opponent that his point of view is correct or find out what is right so he can support that perspective. Theologians try to be right. Let's seek, instead, a state of cosmic consciousness, and stop trying to use words to prove to others that we have value. We cannot be right and happy. Every time we choose to play the game according to the rules of love, growth and understanding will emerge.

The Course attempts to prepare us for a way of thinking which is contrary to the world's way of thinking. As Einstein said, "a problem cannot be solved from the same consciousness that created it." We have to be willing to have our thoughts and beliefs scrapped in favor of ones that work. The Course is blunt. It goes right to the heart of the matter in the most expedient manner. It is rejected by those people who have not become sufficiently frustrated with an analytical approach to life to be willing to risk a new approach.

Some folks can't get through the table of contents with out their analytical minds being offended because if what is being said is true then their education and their personal code of life has all been for naught. The table of contents of the workbook starts out with:

  • Nothing I see...means anything.
  • I have given everything I see...all the meaning that it has for me
  • I do not understand anything I see..
  • These thoughts do not mean anything...
  • I am never upset for the reason I think.
  • Other lesson headings are:

  • I do not perceive my own best interests.
  • I do not know what anything is for.
  • I am not the victim of the world I see.
  • I have invented the world I see.
  • There is nothing to fear.
  • I am entitled to miracles.
  • God's will for me is perfect happiness.
  • In my defenselessness my safety lies.
  • We in the western world have been well educated to believe that we are responsible for being vigilant and discerning in regards to the world, which is basically to be regarded as hostile. We have been taught to analyze every situation to find the correct course of action. We are cautious. We are cautious in relationships. We are cautious in politics. We are cautious in regards to other nations. We are cautious of power hungry people. Our training has been appropriate if the one basic premise of western education is true - we are all separate.

    Think for a moment about what your professor of history or economics would say about some of the above statements. They would say that obviously any rational mind would know that in the case of foreign military powers the statement about "in my defenselessness my safety lies" is just not true.

    What kind of education would we receive if "Nothing I see means anything" were true. Not even the stock prices? Not even the gruesome pictures on the evening news?

    A reversal of our thinking process is required to get off of the wheel of karma. The world's thinking is karmic thinking. It recreates old patterns over and over again, forever, if need be. The only way to get something out of the Course is to set aside judgment of what we are reading (I think the authority figures told us that would be akin to being brain washed). The world's way doesn't work so why not risk trusting that the universe is on our side and won't lead us astray?

    I can't resist. I have to throw a couple of more Course-isms in.

  • Would you rather be right or happy. You can't be both.
  • Analysis is of the ego.
  • Everything is for your own best interests.
  • Trust would settle every problem now.
  • Happiness as A Path

    All paths, all spiritual disciplines of all cultures and all ages, of all time, lead to one simple place and that is being happy. Happiness cures all disease, it stops all wars. It fixes everything. The Course points out that happiness is a choice we make. There are no victims to those who understand the big picture. Authority figures teach us, however, that the only things that are real are things that can be perceived with the five senses, that victimization is very real and must be conquered before happiness can be attained. Here is the rub: we must choose whether to believe the best minds on the planet or whether to believe the master teachers. It is an either/or situation. One can't be partially enlightened any more than one can be slightly pregnant. How many thousands of pages are humans going to read before they realize that enlightenment can't be learned or attained through rational behavior.

    What if we all said "I will not wait until I learn one more thing or read one more book before I decide to be happy?" We really have only one choice to make. Believe the authority figures and stay on the wheel of karma or quit. Try this for me - go somewhere where you are alone, take a deep breath, and scream "I quit". You will experience a great sense of relief, at least until you start analyzing what your friends will think about you now that you don't do struggle any more. Happiness is a choice that we make within ourselves.

    Why doesn't everybody have everything that they desire? Why do we spend our whole lives thinking that after we make it we will have what we want? Nobody ever makes it that way. The majority of the people on the planet today are not yet ready to do the whole awakening process because their limitations have been lifelong friends. They are unwilling to let go of their old patterns and beliefs. So when it becomes obvious to the loving universe that they are absolutely refusing to change, it will check them out and check them back in again to start all over. People who do not understand how the system works call that tragedy but it is not really tragic at all. It is love and true compassion to back a person out of a bad thing and give him another shot.

    The True Teaching is Always Simple and Calming

    Often we are afraid of missing out on some great teaching by some great guru. But now that we have ceased looking for intellectual meaning in their words and have decided to only hear the simple message of their hearts, we realize they have all said the same thing. You can go sit at the feet of Sai Baba for the next six months and he will tell you one thing - "be love." People go all the way to India and sit with thousands of others waiting for this avatar to come out on a balcony and tell them something that they don't know, and all he says is "be love." Up the road somewhere is Mer Baba, another avatar, and folks flood to see him as well. In all of the time that he has been incarnate on the planet he has only told people to do one thing - "be happy". That is all the man has ever said. How simple spirituality is. Any teaching which feels complex is of the ego. Spirit is the epitome of simplicity.

    People often ask "how can I tell if my inner voice is ego or spirit?" Ego loves complexity and intricacies. Spirit functions outside the realm of three dimensional time space. Spirit's voice is always soft, unhurried, no pressure. To spirit there is no time so you can't be late. To spirit there are no irreversible situations so nothing is a big deal. Spirit says "Peace, be still, and know that I am God."

    Congratulations! You Qualify for Enlightenment

    If you could see what you have been doing for the last ten million years, you would understand that you have already done everything that is required in this school to attain enlightenment. You have done your life in Egypt and in Greece and you have done the witch craft and the magic. This is not the life to do it all again. Take all that you have learned and apply it to empower your own being this time around, instead of learning it all again. This is the life where Nike has got it right when they say, "Just do it!"

    Do not wait until you read one more book or listen to another speaker or sit at the feet of one more guru before you become happy. At this stage in your evolution that would just delay your joy. Go ahead and read esoteric books and travel to India if you want. But don't believe that it will give you inner peace. It won't. Choose peace first and then do your exploring as a part of your dance of life. Peace isn't to be found outside of ourselves.

    Remember that the universe is on your side and in every instant it is conspiring to awaken you, to lead you to happiness. That means that in this very moment you are in the most ideal situation possible for you to learn to awaken. There could not be a more perfect place for you at this moment than where you are. That is cosmic law. Don't hear that statement as saying that you should stay in the place you are now. Where your perfect place is two moments down the road from now is up to you and your inner guides.

    Sai Baba doesn't need for you to come and sit at his feet. He is over booked as it is. He needs you to be true to yourself and live based on your heart so you can be an equal teacher with him.

    The only thing left now is to simply wake up! Declare in this instant that you can walk out the door and be happy forever more. No person, no church and no book can change you now. The universe loves you so much that every time you go looking for an answer outside of yourself you are going to find frustration. You are in no man's land. You cannot go back because there is not a single guru on the planet who will have you as a student. They will all have you as a friend.

    The whole plan of salvation is one of teaching and being taught by those who are just a hair's width apart from us in understanding. We can only hear people who are that close to where we are on the ladder and they are the only ones who can hear us. That holds true for folks who are in body or out of body. Each person will only attract to himself that which he can comprehend. It would not be helpful for an enlightened being to drop into the average person's living room and start making a speech. Joe Normal would have no idea what was being said!

    Most of us need a teacher who is street wise, that we can relate to, like an entity who has had bills to pay and problems at the office and people to argue with. In the practical world of helping each other with our challenges we have finally discovered that the best drug counselors are former addicts. The leaders in the Alcoholics Anonymous movement are former alcoholics. That's the way it works here. The training that each person received by going through their own garbage has qualified them as very effective listeners and healers (if healing has been requested). Spiritual counseling works the same way. Spiritual students tend to give credence to teachers who came to this planet with a load of garbage and somehow managed to let go and do their personal transformation.

    It is now up to each individual whether the rest of the planet will be transformed. Some of you may be asking "What do I have to do? What is the schedule? Give me my agenda!" The truth of the matter is so simple that it will offend your intellect. All that you have to do is heal yourself, to choose peace in every moment. We are on this earth to be examples of enlightened entities and there is no mystery to what it means to be enlightened anymore. It used to be this huge enigma. We would read books about people who had light radiating out from the crown of their heads and could do marvelous tricks. But all of the magic in the world is irrelevant if you have not healed yourself.

    What happens to the earth if each of us learns to be impeccably happy in this lifetime? Do you know that your joy will radiate through group consciousness in the telepathic pool and touch every molecule on this planet? It will penetrate every brain cell of every human being incarnate because you are a part of the telepathic pool on this planet. When you learn how to have fun, the game is over. When you can laugh and play in every moment, you will graduate and look back to wonder what all of that esoteric nonsense that everyone was talking about really meant. You will find the rest of eternity enormously joyful.

    Your whole divinity and having the light dwell within you simply has to do with learning to be happy. Acknowledge within yourself that you accept joy because you can't learn it and you can't earn it. You must claim it.

    Happiness is a decision that is made within the individual. When you decide to be joyful you will come into your own power and begin to do transformation of group consciousness in a very big way. Salvation has always been the ultimate in simplicity. When you laugh, play, get tipsy, talk to the trees, be silly, make love, watch sunsets, take bubble baths and have a ball, then, like the Pied Piper, a million other souls will want to follow you home.


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