Lower Des Montes Neighborhood Association
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 Planning LINKS Page

        A. NEW MEXICO  *NM State Government Links   *        NM Links in PIPER

                                                   NM State Government Home Page    NM State Roster

1. Neighborhood Associations

LDMNA Maps:  Border w/ Arroyo Hondo  aerial ;  St Rd 150 & 240 aerial

                                                                                      2002; JanFebMarch ; April ;
CNA Page: LIST  Home PageArchives |     Minutes :  2001: Jan. ; Feb March ; April ; May;June ; July ; Aug.; Sept ; Oct ; NovDec:
                                                                                      2000: Jan ;  Feb ;  March ; April ; May : June : July : Aug : Sept   Oct : NovDec ;
Carson Neighborhood Association
La Lama Neighborhood Assoc ;
Upper Las Colonias: Land Use Plan

2. Taos County Towns

Town of Taos :Planning[Land Use and Development Code] [GIS Maps] [ Munic Code ] [Mtgs, agenda,workshops, minutes] [contacts/ finances ]
Taos News - Maps |

3. New Mexico Counties

Taos County; Statistics : US Census Quick Facts , US Census , From Taos Net,
Taos County Relief Route Corridor Study | Possible Routes | Traffic Counts |

Rio Arriba County
Los Alamos County
Santa Fe County

NM Association of Counties [ Index ]

4. Land Grants

N NM Adocacy Links from La Jicarita News
Treaty of Guadalupe Hildago
Treaty of Guadalupe Hildago- Definition and List of  Download in English:  (pdf)
Community Land Grants in New Mexico by US GAO  Download in Spanish: (.pdf)
Law of the Land Grant-Jane Sanchez

5. Native American Jurisdictions

Taos Pueblo [ RISE ]
Native American Resources on the WWW :  K. Strom [ General - Legal - Activist ]

6. History

History: [ SMU  ( in Taos  Special Events )  ] [ Taos Historical Society ] [ NM Historic preservation - 2006 plan ]

                         B. PLANNING TOOLS

 Tutorials on GIS:  [ GIS ]   [ UNM ]   [ ESRI ]   [ USGS ]

American Planning Association : [ NM Chapter ] [Neighborhood Collaborative Planning ]
                                                         [ Lora Lucera report to 1999 APA on State of planning in NM ]
Glossary of Conservations tools [
Wyomings WOL  [ table of contents ]  [ landowners tools ]  [ regulatory techniques ]
Planners Web | Geonomics |

Performance Zoning by John R. Ottensmann [ Ft. Collins, Co ]

Transferable Development Rights - [ Planners web ]
[ Boulder, Co ] [Santa Fe, NM - CNN ] [ Suitum vs. Lake Tahoe ]
    Rick Pruetz: 1999APA:
        Putting Growth in its Place 756kb.pdf (9pp zeroxed on TDR's inc article by Peter Buchsbaum:

Affordable Housing : Tools : Sante Fe : harvard; hud ;PEW;Taos: [ Habitatat for Humanity ]
    Colorado: Reducing Housing Costs Through Regulatory Reform

Zoning for Wireless Facilities:  ( by Ed Ziegler )
    Santa Fe County Ordinance 2001-9: An ordinance relating to wireless communications antennas,
                                                                    towers and other facilities.
    Los Alamos County Draft Wireless ordinance [ Download in .pdf ]

Tutorials on GIS: [ GIS ]  [ USGS ]  ; Other [ ESRI ] [ SDR - for Taos Co 911 ] [ UNM ]
Maps of New Mexico in SF ( digital and hard aerial maps )

Planning vs Markets: Online Journal PAM
     Why Planning Vs. Markets Is An Oxymoron: Asking The Right Question
     Contractual Agreements And Neighbourhood Evolution
     erich's page on [ Public Choice ]


Taos:  [ Land Trust ] [WELC] [ Carson NF ] [ Amigo Bravos
[ Taos Business Alliance ][ TCEDC ]
New Mexico: [ 1000 Friends of New Mexico] Taos: [ Habitatat for Humanity
[ BBER ]
Colorado: [ Rocky Mountain Land Use Inst ] [ Their Links
[ Mountain States Legal Insitutue
[ Rocky Mountain Institute : Buildings  and Land ]
Oregon: [ 1000 Friends of Oregon ]  [ Oregonians in Action
[ City Club of Portland ] [ Land Conservation and Development ]
National: [ sprawlwatch] [ smart growth network - news - July 01 ]
[ Center for Voting and Democracy ] [ proportional voting ]
[ Center for the Study of Democracy ] [ Research ]
League of Women Voters [ Home ] New Mexico [ NM ]
National Neighborhood Coalition:
 Smart Growth: a perspective from Marcos de Leon of El Concilio
Sustainable Communities Networks:
PEW Partnerships 

                             D. US Govt Sites:
General US:
 [ First Gov ] [ Law - Cornell ] [ Economic Statistics ]
      EPA  BEST -  K-00-02-A [ NAS-NRC Study: Biosolids Applied to Land: Advancing Standards and Practices: 
  Scope : News Release: Full Report : MSWord : Pdf :
      HUD  [ disclosure ] [ Econ Dev Programs  :  newsstatus reports ] [ partners ]
      DOE [Center for Excellence-Sustainable development]
      USForest Service:  [ Carson NF ] [ Collaborative Stewardship ] [ Limits to Acceptable Change ]
      BLM  [ Taos ] [ Rio Grande Corrider Plan  .pdf ] [NM ] [ rafting ]
      Dept of Agriculture, Soil Conserv. :  [ New Mexico ] [NRSC links ]
      Legislature :  Bill Finder [ Thomas ]
      Government Printing Office [ Index ]  Code of Fed Regs: [ Index ] Legislature [ index
 Public Laws [ search ]
      House:   [ Home ] Tom [ Udall ]
      Senate:  [ Home ] Jeff [ Bingaman ] Pete [ Dominici ]

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Smart Growth: a perspective from Marcos de Leon of El Concilio