Mocko Jumbies

According to Afro-Caribbean legend,
rice will come in handy if you meet a
Mocko Jumbi at night.

Mocko is the West Indian word for "make
believe" and jumbi derives from the African
word for "spirit." Put 'em together and what
do you get? Make-believe spirits.

Because they're invisible, nobody really knows
what a Mocko Jumbi looks like, but when they
come out to party during Carnival you can't
miss them: They're the creatures walking on
17-foot high stilts and leading the parades.
Wondering how Mocko Jumbies stay invisible
under so much scrutiny? With their clothes
usually covered in mirrors, you'll only see
your own reflection when you look at them.

Mocko Jumbies aren't always as fun-loving as
they are during Carnival. Locals say that if
you're caught under a turpentine tree (called
a "tourist tree" because its bark is red and
peeling) at night, a Jumbi will follow you
home. The only way to get rid of him is by
throwing a handful of rice out the door. The
Mocko Jumbies will have to count every grain
of rice before sunrise, so they'll be too busy
to pester you. If you're fresh out of rice,
try sleeping with your clothes inside out.
That will scare the Mocko Jumbies away --
and anyone else who sees you.

-- Sophia Dembling,
December/January 1997
