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This is chapter five in the book No Time for Karma, Stepping off the wheel of pain and struggle. The book gives insights into personal freedom, ending struggle, reincarnation, metaphysics, healing, and more.

Who are the "Light Workers"

What separates the modern day "light worker" from the billions of souls who are incarnate on the earth today? The members of the planetary transition team have a certain understanding of cosmic principles which is above and beyond the norm of group consciousness. When we move our view point from the tediousness of day to day life to a more universal perspective, we uncover some aspects of ourselves which help us clarify our function and our self worth.

Because we don't normally peek into the minds and hearts of the dozens or hundreds of people that we chance to meet each day, we have no idea of what the average level of awareness is in society. We tend to judge people's level of spiritual evolvement by their behavior. More specifically, we judge them on whether their behavior makes us comfortable or uncomfortable. At the same time we are sure that no one's opinion of us which is based on how our behavior makes them feel could come close to doing justice to what we are sure is our own elevated level of awareness. Who a person is, in terms of their usefulness to the awakening earth, cannot be determined by using worldly eyes.

For many years I worked with hundreds of folks who were both "spiritually aware" and struggling. As an intuitive counselor I would look into their minds and hearts. I would review their incarnational contract with the earth. I invariably discovered a being inside of each person that was far and away more noble, more empowered and more Christ like than they gave themselves credit for being. I discovered that a lofty purpose resided inside of each and every person. Yet when I spoke verbally with these people I heard a myriad of reasons why they could not outpicture the internal vision. The reasons were always worldly reasons, worldly limitations, ideas of limitation received from their background of interaction with authority figures.

The more I probed the inner levels of people and the workings of our earth school, the more apparent it became to me what was required to be a light worker on this planet. Light workers remember that they function within the cosmic laws that govern our reality:

This understanding leads us to be able to specifically define our function and our value to the human race.

Having peeked into the minds of hundreds of individuals such as yourself (if you're typical of the kind of person who would be reading this book), I can absolutely guarantee that you have a higher level of compassion and a far greater understanding of the nature of God than the average person on this earth. You have a desire to be harmless. You have a love of things beautiful and peaceful. Therefore, since your mind is telepathically connected to every being in every kingdom on this planet, each moment that you hold lofty thoughts, or healing thoughts, or happy thoughts, you are raising the consciousness on earth. You are healing this planet.

You are not being an escapist when you don't feel like dealing with the drama of the day and choose instead to go out in nature where you can be surrounded by peace and beauty. You are following the directions of the master teachers who understood and taught the stilling of the mind and the calming of the soul. They knew that no one's behavior or words could fix a budget deficit or a family feud. They knew that a single person's mind focused on peace could create an opening in the earthly veil, through which the unseen workers would pour accident, chance and random events to change any situation for the better.

This is the time in which we must choose to walk in peace in every moment, be prosperous in every moment and heal in every moment because that is the only consciousness that we wish to share with the earth.

Light workers do not come to the earth en masse, except when the Aquarian Age is dawning. The function of these light workers is to alter group consciousness by working in harmony with cosmic law, the only truly effective way to create change. So the light worker's job is revealed as a simple one of choosing to be happy and following their bliss.

Few of us can truly comprehend what life would be like without drama and dilemma. "What do you mean be at peace all of the time? What are you talking about being happy all of the time? Are you telling me that I have a right, that I deserve and can possibly justify spending every moment of every day in total bliss?" You not only have permission, you have an obligation to do whatever you want to do now. If you want to heal the planet, you must do exactly what pleases you and nothing else. You must be exactly who you are and nothing else. Only by following your bliss can you unleash the creativity that you came to earth to share. We must all be the creators and the examples of pure bliss. It is the only way for the planet to become blissful.

Consider the Lilies of the Field . .

If we are to trust the master teachers, we could spend every day listening to music and talking with the flowers and as a result we would prosper, be healed and experience perfect harmony with every other human being. There really is not any more to it than that, but the ego maintains a belief that the only thing that stands between us and total annihilation is our ability to manipulate, control and otherwise engage in defensive activity. The ego can't allow itself to believe that God is in charge. It has a totally separative belief regarding who is responsible for the survival of the self and the earth. People who try to be "practical" by maintaining either a defensive or aggressive posture in the work place, and also try to be "spiritual" are trying to serve two masters. It produces a great deal of frustration.

In New Mexico, where we live, there are many natural hot mineral springs. Folks come from all over the world to use these waters for healing or simply for relaxation. I was immersed in these most marvelous waters when another fellow joined me. As I came out of my meditation I ask where he was from and he responded "New York". Then he ask if I came there often. I replied that I did, that I lived only a few miles up the road. He commented on how lucky I was to be able to come as often as I wanted. I explained that it wasn't luck, that I had made a decision a few years ago that life was too short not to be doing what I really wanted to do and be living where I really wanted to Live. His whole body convulsed, his hands covered his ears and he said "I don't want to hear that".

When masters-in-training stop giving excuses to the universe as to why they cannot be true to their hearts and follow their bliss, they soon become realized masters. But when one is submerged in the telepathic pool of energy that surrounds this planet, he cannot become a master without paying attention. We have a lot of programming and old beliefs that we must first choose to let go of.

It would be nice if we could just choose to change our life's activity and begin to lead the spiritual life. But our beliefs and our guilt don't go away just because we move into an ashram. Learning to follow our bliss doesn't begin with changing jobs. We create our realities from the inside out. Our bliss is as much not doing argument any more as it is creating great works of art or healing the sick. Making our relationships work and bringing the flow into our life is the hard part of following our bliss. It is neat to read the intriguing, dramatic tales of how the planet is going to be saved by divine entities outside of ourselves, but the truth is that there is nothing out there.

That is the answer that we don't want to hear because it transfers all responsibility back to us. It is our responsibility to be happy in this moment, to think big and to believe that we are valuable to this earth. Your mother and your father and the authority figures in your life probably did not tell you that. I bet that there was not a single one of them who said, "I think you are going to be the Christ when you grow up." Rather, they will immediately come to mind as saying, "What do you mean, be a savior to the earth? You aren't so hot. Why don't you just go sit in the corner." It doesn't matter how old you are or how long your parents have been dead, you will still hear their criticisms when you embark on your path to freedom. Your only reply can be "Sorry Mom. I am divine. I don't have time to go sit in the corner because I have agreed to heal this earth and all of her inhabitants." As long as humans are encased in physical bodies they will have the voices of those authority figures in their heads. It goes with being immersed in group consciousness. It isn't easy but we don't have to be a victim of old voices.

Parents Don't Authorize Blissful Offspring

Our parents, peers, and the authority figures in our lives were simply doing the best they knew how. They were students of planet earth. They were not ascended masters. We can decide in this moment that we are going to follow the teachings of the masters only and that we will pay no attention to any authority figure on the whole planet, alive today or ever having lived, that did not demonstrate peace and happiness in their own lives. The people that our society makes gods out of are the ones who get cover stories in Time, Newsweek and Sports Illustrated. We choose to emulate people whose lives are wrecks. Most of the role models that we have picked are individuals who keep the hospitals filled and whose relationships don't work. They are stressed over money and their loved ones. They have ulcers and die of cancer, heart attacks or some other stress related phenomenon. We rarely stop to look at the fact that we have chosen the wrong authority figures. We have rarely considered that we are free to choose new role models.

Parents are a tough issue for everyone. In counseling work we discover that all parents were a problem to the child. The family was either dysfunctional or one or both parents were too rigid. The child was raised in a disadvantaged environment or life was too easy. Dad wasn't there or he smothered the kid. What does this prove? Only that earth is a school, not utopia. We chose our parents, our classes, and our lessons before we paid the entry fee. Since our lessons were our choice, when we quit buying into them is our choice also.

If we try to live the life that our parents chose for us then we will end up exactly like them. Their ideas about the world and the way it functions have nothing to do with objectivity, absoluteness or God. The fact that they controlled us with guilt manipulation is not to be held against them. If it is our intent to become unlimited, expansive and expressive, then we must accept the fact that our authority figures were doing it the only way that existed for their generation. It was the way that they were trained. That was the way things were done in the Piscean Age. It does not mean that we do not love our parents or that we disrespect them. It is just that we are a part of the transitional generation that demands more loving rules so we can become self empowered.

We must stop and look closely at the programming we receive from former generations. We were literally programmed to do what they told us above and beyond what God (either in the form of inner guidance or as the voice of master teachers) says. From the perspective of our parents' generation, we were selfish if we did not please them and if we did not become what they said we should become. Some of us were expected to spend our whole life trying to make them look good and feel good, or we were considered selfish. Now we know the ego calls people selfish as an attempt to control them. However, from a spiritual perspective, selfishness means nurturing, blessing and taking care of the self.

We must understand that we and our parents are one because all minds are connected. There is only one god consciousness that permeates everybody and everything. Therefore when we follow our bliss and become creative, self empowered, and happy, our parents and the rest of the world benefit.

Every individual who has ever achieved true greatness and really contributed something to the planet drove their parents nuts because they refused to be programmed and manipulated. They were like Jesus when his mother said, "How dare you run off and sit with the rabbis! Didn't you know that dinner was ready?" He could only reply "Mom, chill out! I have things to do." That might be another paraphrase, but the truth is that if someone like Van Gogh had spent his life doing what his Mother had said, then we would never have seen his art. Every human being who has contributed something creatively to the planet has declared "Sorry Mom, Dad, but I just don't follow the rules. I live life on my own terms and in my own way and I love you so much that I am going to be an example for you as to how you too can get free."

John Randolph Price calls those who are not motivated by fear Superbeings. They are the ones who do not buy insurance, they don't wear seat belts and they don't stop at red lights at four o'clock in the morning when they are the only car in town. Furthermore, when they drive through the light they don't look over their shoulder to see if they are going to get caught. They break patterns all of the time and they never allow any other human being to hold power over them. We are simply delaying our own well being when we give our power away. We cannot be free until we take our power back and declare that we are not victims.

Our parents and our authority figures on the other hand believe themselves to be victims. They attempt to teach us what they believe to be the true conditions of life. Their happiness is subject to the economy, the marketplace, their jobs and their families. We really do not wish to be like them.

Light Workers Choose Joy In Spite of It All

Most folks on this planet have laid out a class schedule for themselves which allows a great deal of time to learn each lesson. This chapter would not be even slightly comprehensible to them. Many people, for instance, take a whole age, two thousand years, to become a little more tolerant of others. Learning to not be victimized takes most folks at least one full cycle of the ages, twenty six thousand years.

Present day masters-in-training didn't include that kind of leisurely pace in their contracts with the earth. For us it boils down to making a choice. I will stop exploring all of the possible ways that I might have been victimized. By my own volition I will abdicate the rewards I get from friends and acquaintances for being a victim, and will instead "let my eye be single, fixed on God."

There is no room in our reality for being a victim of anything. Can you imagine God being a victim? Can you imagine Jesus saying, "Mom, I'd love to turn your water into wine but ... You see I'm a carpenter, you know, and I'm building this house. I owe this guy so much money because I bought my tools on time payment so I've got to get out there and build this home instead of messing with your water. I just don't have time to do it, Mom."

Jesus was immersed in the same telepathic pool that you and I are, so thoughts often came into his head urging him to give up the grandiose quest and just be a limited human like everyone else. But his support group wouldn't let him get away with it. It is a whole lot easier to be a carpenter than it is to be a messiah. We did not come to planet earth to meet our mother's expectations or our father's or our spouse's. We came to fulfill our potential.

Imagine for a moment that your life on earth has been over for a thousand years and you are recounting the story of your last incarnation with a dear friend over a drink. "Who were you when you were there?" your friend asks. "Well, since all entities are God", you reply, "we are all the same essence. In the beginning there was only God, so we were all equal aspects of God even though we were in body." "Wow, with that kind of understanding you must have transformed the earth! You must have done miracles and shifted the planet off of its axis!" To which you responded, "No, my husband wouldn't have liked that."

There are many ways that we attempt to do our work with less than total commitment. We compromise our time and we compromise truth because we fear reprisal from our authority figures or from the economy. Each and every one of us are exceptional beings. There is absolutely no difference between you or me and a Sanat Kumara. None. Zero. Zip -- except that he chose to follow his bliss and we chose to have excuses as to why we could not. To play the game according to our own rules and create our own reality requires that we sift very carefully through everything that the authority figures raised us to believe.

Most of us have been waiting a long time for someone to tell us that we are all right. If they do, don't believe them. If we feel good because somebody told us that we were okay, then we have given them the power to pull the rug out from under us. If they take their statement back we will be devastated. We will never follow our bliss because someone gives us permission to do so. Would that god, god, very god most high could descend into our living room and pass out a diploma and shake our hand and say "Well done!" It will not happen, you know, because that is separative thinking. God is not out there and God cannot come to us because God is in us. God is the essence of our being and we are the godstuff that is doing the transformation on the earth.

Our commitment to self empowerment is what the earth has needed for many eons. It is a great gift to planetary consciousness. Be willing to tell the universe that you are okay just the way you are. No one can do that for you.

The Fear of the Separate Ego

Why were there soldiers in the Middle East with guns perched on their shoulders looking down the barrel of death? Because some opinionated, intelligent, educated being told them they must do it. How many soldiers would the world have if people followed their own bliss? How many bombs would fall if everyone followed their hearts desire? What if we were all making mud pies? "We can't all follow our bliss" some will say. "That would be anarchy! Wouldn't we all starve?" Do those words sound like they came from a master teacher or a fearful person?

People who believe themselves to be separate from you and me and God fear that separation. In their fear they request of society that a set of rules be established to control the use of "power." Power, to them, means power over other people. They believe that uncontrolled people are at best anarchistic if not outright dangerous. Even when their desired controls are in place, life is still a game of jostling for position, trying to be top dog. The more advanced of the separate egos don't advocate war to settle the issue of who gets the power, they advocate elections. With elections, hopefully only 49% of the people will be subject to the will of the majority. Elections are only a slightly more civilized form of war. Either way one group makes decisions "on behalf" of the other.

How do entities who do not believe themselves to be separate from others act? Beings who are not separate do not need to protect themselves from others. They do not need to be told about the advantages of cooperation as opposed to conflict. Beings who are aware of their oneness with all creation are not merely harmless, they are the essence of harmlessness, they are love/compassion/wisdom.

A being who understands his oneness would not vote anymore than he would pull the trigger. He has no desire to impress his political will on another person and he knows that there is no need for centralized protection because no one's will or state of well being can be compromised. One isn't self empowered until one realizes his connection with all souls. What helps me helps everyone. What harms others harms me. When there is understanding, no one would attempt harm so protection isn't required. Self empowerment is a total state of being. There are no victims.

Those who believe in the separate ego believe that the natural state of being for humans is unproductive, lazy, and parasitic. They believe that if people weren't forced to work by economic need they would only take, never giving. They believe that the nature of man is evil (evil is live spelled backwards). In a sense they are right. If mankind did awaken enough to become healthy, prosperous, and happy, they would quit their jobs. They would quit doing everything that was not fun. But the nature of man is derived from the nature of God, his source. The nature of God/man is to create. The nature of God/man is to explore. The nature of God/man is omnipotent and omniscient. Awakened man has always refused to make work out of life. He creates. He loves. He dances. And he is fully aware of cosmic law - - no child of God can be forced to endure lack because of what another child of God does not choose to do. Prosperity is created by consciousness, not the work force. Have we forgotten about the natural state of being in this universe?

It Takes More Energy to Create Limitation Than Any Other Condition

We have been programmed to believe that if we are not being maimed or murdered at the moment, then our life is pretty good. We have been told that life consists of working hard and doing the best that we can. We were told that if we have food on the table and clothing and shelter along with a few friends, then we have no right to expect more. Yet that is not what any master teacher spoke of. They were discussing strange states of being like nirvana! We were not programmed by society for perfection, but the truth is that we are a little piece of light that flew from the star that is God. We will exist in the universe's natural state of being eternally. It has taken great effort - many ulcers and heart attacks and a little cancer - to keep bliss repressed.

Why aren't the inhabitants of school house earth experiencing the natural state of being? Because one of the attributes of God is infinite power and, believe it or not, each person possesses the power to create limitation. It is not easy to be god, god, very god most high, gather all of your resources and all of your energies, and create the illusion that you are merely human - a powerless, limited, subservient being. It is almost too fantastic to believe. Most of the entities that exist outside of this earth school cannot begin to comprehend the stories they hear about life on this planet. They cannot figure out how a society can continue to exist while outpicturing characteristics that are in opposition to the natural states of being in the rest of the universe. If you were to ask an inhabitant of Zeta Reticuli about getting permission to be who they are, they would not even comprehend the question.

The only block to our awareness and our enlightenment is the decision not to become self empowered and our determination not to be who we are. Until we change that decision we will continue to believe that this earth and it's government and it's economy and our family hold power over us - and it shall be so, for we are God and our words are truth.

We came to this earth to do our self empowerment in the here and the now. That is why Jesus Christ is not born on this Christmas day - they needed him two thousand years ago, but they need us today. This is the beginning of the age of true enlightenment where there is nothing left to do but follow our bliss, our heart's desire.

Self Empowerment is Normal

Self empowerment is normal. All of the quadrillion other entities that exist in the several universes take it for granted that there is no other way to be. But down here in the lower left hand corner of this sort of archaic universe is a little school that we call earth whose inhabitants feel the need to ask permission.

Do you know why we still seek permission? It is because we believe in right and wrong and the possibility of making errors. But didn't the master teachers say that "ye are Gods?" Buddha said it and so did Mohammed and Lao Tzu and Confucius and Abraham. What kind of an error could God make?

Each of us have experienced moments of pure bliss in our lives but we surrounded those times with fear because we expected our happiness to go away. When we were having a marvelous time playing with our toys and everything was wonderful and it was past our bedtime, we got busted in the midst of our personal ecstasy. The voice said "Go to bed - you are having too much fun!" In every instant that life started to get really good, we started to look over our shoulder. We developed a connection between that which we desire and that which we fear. Every experience that we have ever had on this earth that brought us into a space of timeless time was followed by, "Quit having so much fun! Who do you think you are? Where do you get off thinking that you deserve to be so happy?" That is the reason that we all have the fear that if it is too enjoyable it will surely end. This belief alone will keep us from living in ecstasy eternally. Remember that we are not victims of those who busted us. We chose them as teachers so we could learn to take our power back from them. Then we would be free.

How many individuals on this earth are willing to live every moment in pure bliss and ask no one for permission to be who they are? Einstein did it - there is one. Rembrandt did it - there is two. There are a few - a dozen, a hundred, maybe even a thousand. If we take away from the five billion or so who live on this earth the handful of beings who are self empowered and have given themselves permission to live in the natural state of being, how many would you say are left? Five billion or so. A few thousand is not even a drop in the bucket.

As the Aquarian Age began to dawn, we watched some exciting things happen. We began to see the creative consciousness express itself in new forms of art, new philosophies and new sciences. It started with just a few scattered light workers who were radicals and heretics in their day. From an astrological perspective, we can say that the Aquarian Age energy began to leak into the planet with the Renaissance. There was not a single aspect of the human condition that escaped transition. Expanded modes of expression appeared in the arts, science, philosophy, and religion. A few modern prophets appeared to tell us about a better way. That is why Leonardo da Vinci, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Thomas Edison, Kant and Quimby showed up on this planet. They understood the prime directive and that life on this earth is an evolutionary and transitional process. None of these individuals had any use for dogma or stagnation. What set them apart from the rest of society was their desire to live consciously, and the willingness to trust their inner being above and beyond anything that they had been taught.

The trick is to go through every moment of every day remembering the big picture. Becoming wise and aware, we learn to be conscious all of the time instead of living life through old patterns and habits. Part of living consciously is knowing what we do comprehend and what we have not yet grasped. It's knowing when we are centered and balanced and when we need reinforcement. We must be willing to say, "I don't really have a grip on this, so I'd better listen to that tape or read this book or watch that sunset." Living consciously is the only way to ensure that we are moving in the most expedient manner toward where we want to go.

This is a marvelous planet for people who accept responsibility for their lives and refuse to be victims. Planet earth will be a literal garden of Eden for those who are ready to define for themselves what their bliss is and follow it. What separates the masters-in-training from the masses? The masses are saying, "I can't quit my job because I owe too much money" while the m-i-t's are declaring, "If it doesn't feel good, I'm not going to do it." If you continue to do anything that doesn't feel good, know that it is your choice. If you choose to remain in incompatible situations, that is also your choice.

What excuses do we use for remaining a victim? We are totally free to do anything we wish. We may choose to be a victim but we should at least do it consciously. Say "Today I choose to be a victim. Isn't that wonderful! I'm going back to that job I hate." Or "I'm going to be a victim this afternoon. I don't want to go to so and so's house. I don't enjoy them, but I don't want to hurt their feelings so I'd rather be a victim."

If we will truly live consciously, we will not have to alter our behavior in any way that would be too frightening or uncomfortable. Let's just be aware of what we are creating for ourselves and the patterns that we are setting for the planet when we allow ourselves to be victimized. The instant we choose to be conscious in every moment and aware of the choices that we are making, our lives begin to change. Within a few days time we will have discovered a number of ways to shift out of victim roles and into stress free roles.

We are only uncomfortable when we try to fool ourselves by saying that we do not have any choice. When we put up with things that are less than blissful for us, next year we will still be facing the same choices until the day comes that we say "I quit!" Then we will recall what that guru said about detachment and surrender. It is the only way to freedom.

We must decide whether we are following peer pressure and the traditional ways of doing things or if we are following our guidance. When we weigh it out, we will quite often opt to follow society's ways for a little while longer because it may be more comfortable than just leaping off the cliff into a new way of life. That is okay. It is a slight delay in time, but it is okay as long as we do it consciously. Simply say "Yes, I have opted to follow an old pattern because in my present state of awareness I believe that it will give me a higher comfort level." Eventually we look back and say, "Oh God, why did I wait so long?", and we move on.

Every day that we live consciously we discover more things that do not feel good. That is wonderful! Our pain is our key to freedom. We find out perfectly through our pain what we are no longer willing to put up with. We cannot let go of something if we do not recognize that it exists. As soon as we recognize it and drop all of our excuses for keeping it, we will have moved one step closer to becoming totally free. When we look at the Piscean Age of regimentation and the days of the blind leading the blind, we can see clearly that the earth desperately needs individuals who can go directly to God through their own inner guidance.

We can use the power of our will to choose peace in every moment instead of reacting to things around us. That means that if the car has a flat tire, we have the choice to say "I deserve nothing but the best, so this must be the best flat tire in the whole world." That will reclaim all of our power and erase our sense of victimization. The function of every flat tire has always been to make entities aware that a tire does not hold the power to make them unhappy. As we learn to not hold energy about a tire, the ego protests, giving us a list of the consequences. "First of all, you are going to be late and so and so will be very upset with you." We are free to declare that we no longer buy into those lists. How could anything in God's universe be late anyway? How could anything be out of order? It simply means that we are going to arrive at our destination at a different time and therefore some magic is going to occur. Great! Whatever we hold in mind we create, so anticipate that everything that occurs in life is creating magic.

While we are looking at fear as an excuse to hold on to old patterns, let me say that no entity has ever experienced fear in the present moment and no entity has ever experienced guilt in the present moment. All fear is directed towards the future, while guilt is a reflection from the past. Therefore when we focus on the now, we will never experience those emotions. Fear and guilt are the only two states of being that have prevented mankind from seeing its true nature.

Psychic Memory and Vision

I have an acquaintance who was declared mentally retarded as a child and put in special schools for the mentally impaired simply because he did not shut off his connection with other levels of reality soon enough. He had many invisible playmates as a small child and, as he grew older, he kept right on playing with them. They would occasionally even bring him small gifts. It was a particularly strange experience for his family. His doctors said, "Well, Alex is not all here so he must be retarded." Today he has earned three PhD's and he still does his psychic work. He does out of body exploration for the police department and finds missing children. He is the one who is normal while the rest of us try to please our parents.

Every one of us has memories of our existence before we were born. Sometimes these memories leak from the subconscious into our conscious minds. What happens if we came from star system thirty seven Z in the fourth left hand domain of universe Magicalseven? What if we try to live life the way we remember it from our previous experience? Nobody wears a mask over their feelings where we used to live. Every being is totally telepathic and open and honest. If we function like that on this planet, we get severely battered about the head and shoulders by our peer groups, family and teachers because we are so different.

On earth, we must learn to conform. So for our own survival we begin to shut down. We say, "Wait a minute - I'm not going to tell anyone what I know or what I see. I am going to back out very gently here because I don't want to spend the day being punished and sitting in my room. I'm going to act like a normal human being." How many of us have done that for our own survival? Then twenty or thirty or forty years later somebody comes along and says, "Tell me what you know." We will have been conditioned to say "Oh no - you aren't going to beat me up. I don't remember any of that cosmic stuff."

I can recall my own experience as a child. I was visiting my cousin's house and playing tag with the tree deva. I was having a ball with this little invisible gnome. He was much faster than I was. Then my cousin walked out of the house and caught me. I was so humiliated and embarrassed for playing with something that was invisible. I vowed right then and there that no one would ever catch me doing that again. I did not see another tree deva until I moved to Santa Fe a few years ago. One day I was having a great deal of trouble getting answers, so I headed off for my favorite meditation spot. I pulled my car up to a spot where I could look out over a peaceful valley. Just as I was reclining the seat to relax, I saw hundreds of these little people. There was one coming from every tree. They were shouting, "He needs cheering up! Let's get him!" In a few minutes I was crying out, "Quit! Quit!" I couldn't stand their tickling any more, but I was delighted that they had returned to play with me after forty years. We all have the option to recall those moments in time with our special friends from other dimensions.

Can you remember those moments in your life when you were really doing your own thing? You entered that state of timeless time playing with the dolls or painting or making mud pies. It was as if the rest of the world disappeared. Those moments were a preview of what you are to attain in this life. You have the option to live in that state forever because you create your own reality any way that you choose to do it. You may create adventure, exploration or gut busting laughter. You may have anything that you desire in your version of bliss.

Drama is Familiar (Safe)
Bliss Is the Unknown (Fearful)

One of the things that is important to remember is that perfection will not be boring. We sometimes fall into the trap of inviting drama because of the false belief that nirvana would not be exciting. When we live consciously we will become aware of what a draw drama is. If we see a dramatic situation at work, do we walk off as if it did not exist or do we move directly towards it so we can get all of the details? How can we stay in touch with the light when we are involved in the drama?

The Course in Miracles tells us to simply choose peace. If someone is about to punch you in the nose, are you going to choose peace? If the bank is about to repossess your home, will you make a drama out of it or say, "Oh well -- it's just a house." It sounds amusing, but in truth it is a choice. Most of us would get very tense and uptight if they came to take the house. We forget that we control our own bodies and their responses. We are choosing our emotional state in every instant of our life. Because there are no victims, we do have the option of choosing peace.

Most of us are not really sure that we want to give up all drama just yet. "Does that mean that I have to give up the rest of the basketball season?" It doesn't mean that we have to give up anything. But we will have to change our perspective if it is our desire to become free. There will no longer be any winners or losers on the court - there will just be individuals exceeding their previous limits. Basketball is a wonderful teaching tool. From the athlete's perspective, if she can jump higher or move faster than she has ever done before then she has made progress toward being unlimited. From our perspective, we want to see God playing with God and nothing more. The sole purpose of the athletes on the court is personal growth. Until we can see it that way we will remain trapped in our own web.

When a person begins to follow his bliss and believe that he no longer has to conform to the authority figures in his life, there is a period of time in which it appears that he has screwed up royally. Our family and friends are the first to tell us so. They will tell us that we are impractical and that we cannot quit our job or leave our spouse just like that. It is a transitional period that will scare the hell out of us but after a brief period of adjustment an amazing thing happens. When we stop playing the game according to old rules, we discover that we are not going to be destroyed. Here we get a taste of the truth: it is possible to end struggle for all time.

"Trust", There's That Word Again

Awakening souls decide at some point to trust the universe totally. Trying to attain cosmic consciousness in tiny steps is too frustrating. Hopefully all of us will decide that this is the lifetime to jump into the abyss. That step has to be taken sometime. Fortunately the universe is very benevolent and very much on our side. If we will allow our transitions to be fun, then they will be. The universe is so loving that it will succeed in breaking us of our limitations one way or another. But cosmic law states that we always have an opportunity to choose the easy way. That is what is happening when we get the urge to quit our job or make other changes in our life. We know when a different use of our time would be more fulfilling.

Thoughts held in mind outpicture. When we become objective observers of our repetitive thoughts we see what experiences lie ahead. If we have been complaining about the job and saying, "I don't want to go to work", the universe will set it up so that we don't have to go to work. So why not resign before we end up in surgery, get fired or the office burns down? A smart thing to do would be change the "I don't want to go to work" thought into a "something much better is coming my way" thought. The universe doesn't judge the quality of our thoughts. It merely manifests them.

A typical response that people have to the universe's nudge is "Oh, but I can't just quit! I'll go broke! I won't have anything to eat! I won't have anything to do. I just can't do that because if I don't work at this job that I hate for the next twenty years, they'll take my house away!" If the house seems threatened, resist not. Just say "Good-bye, house. It was a good home, but I am on the path to freedom." Resistance creates deeply painful experiences. It is all just a lesson and if your house or your property is in danger, be willing to say, "God, it's yours. I don't need it and I don't care what happens to it." If you really mean it, by tomorrow everything will be fine. If you choose to worry about it, by tomorrow things will be worse.

"Thou shalt have no other Gods before me" was a warning that cosmic law will produce for us in the physical plane those things that we give our attention to, for they are our gods. If we believe that our peace of mind and our happiness comes from our house, it has become our God. A house makes a lousy God that can only bring misery. If we are aware that we create for ourselves, why would we want to hold on to our misery? It is simply because we do not believe that the universe is friendly, and we haven't yet learned to trust that something better is going to take its place. Society will always say that if you do not do that which you hate, including all of the paperwork that goes with it, you will go bankrupt. Did any of you see Willie Nelson standing in front of his house while the Internal Revenue Service padlocked the door? He said, "Now I remember what felt so good about being so free years ago."

There is an aspect to the teaching of detachment that is quite important to keep in mind - that which you release voluntarily will not be experienced as pain. It is only clinging to what we "need" which causes the pain. When we jump into the abyss we release everything. If there is no fear of loss there is no pain. We trust God will take care of us and lead us where we want to go.

It helps to know in advance that we may experience a few stumbling blocks along the way. Sometimes we think we have released something when we have only done part of it. Your car might get stolen a few times like mine did or whatever is your equivalent of that. We so fear the pain that blocks may bring, that we want assurances and guarantees up front. We want to say, "Okay spirit, if you bring the money I'll jump" but invariably the answer will come back "Wrong! You make the commitment first and then you will have the money." If you got the money first you would not learn anything. Any individual could do it that way, but only a master would go ahead and leap when there is no evidence that it could be done. Mastership is believing yourself to be so in tune with the universe that all of your needs will be met. As a word of encouragement, I would add that miracles are the natural state of being. "When miracles do not occur, something has gone wrong", as A Course in Miracles states it.

Letting the Universe Fix Our Limitations

Many years ago I worked at American Airlines. I spent most of my days there enjoying the airplanes and being happy. I learned not to share metaphysical talk with people too much, but one day an engineer friend of mine approached me. He was a high stress individual who was all business. Out of the blue he said to me "You are the happiest human being that I have ever known. Could you teach me how to be that way?" Three weeks later this man had a heart attack and underwent a triple bypass. The universe answers all requests perfectly, regardless of the appearances. It was teaching this man how to become happy! The hospital that he went to had a new program for heart attack patients that focused on changing their lifestyles. It taught him that he was engaging in "type A" behavior and that if he did not wish to experience another heart attack, he would just have to learn to enjoy his family, take more time off and sit by the lake. When I talked to him weeks later he said, "I haven't felt this happy in years."

I didn’t make him happy even though he ask me to. It is the universe that answers all requests, no matter to whom the request was directed. Whenever we know someone who is working on a difficult issue, the best thing that we can do is to send them unconditional love and unconditional support. We can't fix anyone, but the universe can.

The reason that we do not buy into anyone's drama is because we understand how consciousness creates reality. Never again should we commiserate with someone who has a problem. Up until now when we were approached by problem oriented people we probably responded as society taught us, saying, "Oh, you poor thing. That is so horrible that your husband had a triple bypass. I am so sorry!" If consciousness creates reality, then acknowledging tragedy helps create tragedy. To be useful to them tune them out even though you've been told that is rude.

Do you know that people will only talk for so long when we refuse to commiserate with them? In a very short time they will go away. We can say, "Thank you for leaving - now I might be able to help you with your problem and offer you true support." Some of you may be telling yourself "Yeah, but if I do that, I will lose my friends! All that we have ever talked about was how bad it is!" That is correct. If you want to follow your bliss and save the planet you will have to release those friends.

In truth no one is ever lost so it is silly to worry about losing negative people in our lives. When those people call us on the telephone to commiserate, we are tempted to say "Oh, but I don't want to hurt their feelings." Please hurt their feelings! If we love them we will say "I have no time for you now." Are we willing to do a whole other lifetime simply because we don't want to hurt their feelings? It isn't worth it! The next time around they will still be calling us until we say, "I am sorry but I have no time for misery. I don't believe in drama anymore. It is not something that I can accommodate in my life. I am too busy following my bliss."

We Can Accept the End of Drama

We have all experienced stressful lives and traumatic events. If we are growing spiritually we have to accept the fact that hard times must end. Some people actually find themselves floundering when things are too good. "You mean I can really do anything that I want forever? Well, what will I do with myself now?" Take a few minutes and review what it is that you have been studying and training for throughout the last five hundred life times. There is some creative, healing, fulfilling function that you are better suited to do than anybody on earth. But we're talking about karmic training here. It has occurred over a span of thousands of lifetimes. Now it manifests as intuitive knowing. It is not concrete so far as the world is concerned.

Because whatever it is that you are really good at is intuitive, it is not learned. You are like Beethoven. You practice, but you didn't get your gift from going to music school. Invariably, it seems, our karmic expertise lies in a field that our parents claim is not worth doing. "What you really ought to be is a doctor." "But Dad, I want to play the guitar!" "That is not responsible, son, you must become a doctor." If you turn out to be Segovia reincarnated and they will not let you play the guitar you are going to be very unhappy. You must do whatever is yours to do. But take heart, the consciousness of the planet is changing so rapidly now that it will be quite easy to find your bliss.

One way to discover your own particular life path is to practice for many consecutive days feeling your bliss. Ask yourself each morning, "What do I most desire to do today that will make me really happy?" Your bliss is not something that will be carved on a slate and handed to you on the day that God designates as your turn. Nor will the universe hand you a manual of your bliss directing you to make a one hundred and eighty degree turn from the way that you have been doing life. It will not rip you out of your home and move you to another city and then all of a sudden call you a servant of God. It will not happen that way at all. Your bliss is something that you work your way into by your willingness to give up the ought to's and should's in your life. What's left is your bliss.

Following your heart is a very risky step for most human beings, but it is the only way that individuals have been able to tap into and express their personal creative genius. Those who are recorded in our textbooks as the artists, inventors and musicians were all misfit rebels. They were people who chose to follow their bliss instead of doing what their fathers wanted them to do for a living.

The only way to liberate the planet is to liberate yourself first by following your own desire. Listen to the desires of your heart and dismiss what your authority figures and the rest of society taught you. Remember also that society has said that you cannot be a doctor unless you get a medical degree. If that were true, it would have left Jesus out in the cold. He was technically never qualified to heal anybody, he just followed his bliss.

Remember your yellow pad? Take your time in listing everything that you have ever desired to do on the first pad of paper. Write down anything you can think of that would make you happy. Include every whim before your rational mind jumps in and tells you why you cannot do that particular thing. "Well I would love to be an artist" and your ego will say "You can't paint! You don't have any training and you don't even know a watercolor from an acrylic!" Save those comments for a second pad of paper.

On the second pad you will list all of the reasons that you cannot follow your bliss. All of the ought to's and should's from your parents and your teachers will come to mind. Write down every reason that they give you. Write until you feel satisfied that you have exhausted the two lists. As you read the second pad you will recall the miserable state of being that all of your authority figures exist in. Then burn the second pad. You will be left with only your bliss.

When we are new at following our bliss we often question whether or not we have truly found it or whether we are letting fear motivation creep in. There is a very simple way to tell the difference. When we follow our ego, any situation will begin to feel enormously complex. That is a reminder to back out, slow down, take a deep breath and look for the light. When we find our bliss, we will be in a state of timeless time. The pressure is off. It might be sewing, climbing a tree, washing the dishes or writing computer programs.

There is not a person on the planet who cannot remember what timeless time feels like. Complexity will always contradict our bliss. It will tell us that what we have been doing is too important for us to abandon it and sit by the lake. That is when we know that we desperately need to take the time off and sit by the lake. It is a total reversal of the old way of doing things that requires complete trust and faith in the universe.

Review your situation in your own mind now. Say "Well, you know what I have always wanted to do was ...but ...my excuse was..." Make the commitment to allow the universe to show you how to move in that direction now. Let your creativity flow. Your inspiration alone will contribute more than you will ever know to the evolvement of mankind when you begin to live life on your own terms.

Pattern Makers - Do Your Thing!

I had a wonderful experience hearing Peter Nero play the piano with the Tulsa Philharmonic Orchestra. (A friend had given me orchestra seats.) Soon after they began their piece, Peter started wandering from the script. He was improvising like crazy. The conductor was standing there grinning and waiting for him to return to the score, but he kept on playing this magnificent music. He had never played it before. He had never even seen it before. All the while the audience was cheering him on. When I looked at him I saw a horn of plenty radiating out from the back of his heart chakra. It extended off into the heavens and all of this music was pouring into the horn and running through his body. He had no idea where it came from and if he had stopped to figure it out the program would have ended in that instant. I was sitting in that audience transfixed and in that same moment I got that at home this man's toilet is leaking! Did he care? Absolutely not. He did not have time to stay at home and fix the toilet because he had to play. He was in the flow, he was living consciously and he was following his heart's desire. When your bliss comes, just do it.

What pattern would you set for the rest of the planet? What would you have them doing right now? You know that most people do not believe that they are free to do anything they want, but you do understand the system. Always keep in mind who you are and recognize that you are normal, so far as the universe is concerned. The universe is full of god people for whom unlimitedness is a simple way of life. Only on school house earth do people believe that normalcy is struggle. You are here to help them overcome that belief system. When struggle has ended there is nothing but fun. It is so simple. No one was more simple than the Buddha. He laughed all of the time. He made it possible for other entities to attain enlightenment, simply because he enjoyed his.

Having fun is your work now. It is what every master teacher has tried to get people to do so they too could become free. The purpose of all the activity in your life is enjoyment. That, incidentally, goes along with saving the planet. If you are ecstatically happy, who is going to pick that up? Everybody! And no one has to be in your physical presence for it to rub off because we are all attuned to your telepathic presence. If you do only that which is the most fun for you to do, you will bring forth inventions, awakening, inspiration and healing. You will have the planet so charged that there will be no stopping her until she goes up in lights! But it will only happen when you make the decision to follow your bliss. Blessed are those who no longer ask permission to be who they are, for they are the saviors of the planet. And that is the way that it really is.

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