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Ernest Blaschke


Ernest's web page is at:

Toronto, Ontario, Canada



I was born in 1931 in Vienna, Austria, as the only child in my family.

In 1951, while studying chemistry at the University, the political situation in Vienna seemed rather precarious. Austria and Vienna were divided like Berlin and Germany into 4 occupation zones (American, Russian, French, and British) and it seemed likely to me that Vienna and Austria might suffer the fate of Berlin and Germany of having the eastern part slide behind an iron curtain. Luckily this never happened, but I decided to leave while I could, and emigrated to Canada where I took a job as a brewing Chemist in a Northern Ontario mining town.

I married the girl-friend I had in Vienna, and we had 2 children (girls). The older one is a teacher and married a French Canadian teacher, they both teach in a French immersion school, and have 2 girls of their own plus a girl they later adopted from an orphanage in China. My younger daughter married an engineer and has 2 boys.

My wife became a successful textile artist, and also had a craft shop, but then became ill with a chronic disease that caused me to take early retirement to look after her. She passed away in 2005. I now live in downtown Toronto which is an interesting cosmopolitan city and I enjoy my retirement.


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