elder's web

Julia and David Poor


Williamsport, Indiana, USA
(25 Mi. SW of Lafayette, Indiana)

Satellite Predictions

Warren County is a rural county with no heavy industry but a lot of corn, soybeans, hogs, and cattle. One of our claims to fame is that we have no traffic stop-lights in our county.

I am an elementary school teacher. Our school in Williamsport has about 200 students, grades K-6. I have taught first, second, third, fourth, and fifth grades. Right now I am a third grade teacher. That is 8 and 9 year-olds.

I have four sons, ages 24-35-37-39, 3 daughters-in-law, and almost (next week) six grandchildren. Our eldest grandson was just 17.

My husband, Dave, is a retired school administrator. He now does concrete work (buildings, driveways, etc.) and occasionally sells real estate. He is a real golf nut.

I like to read, work in the yard, use the computer, travel, and do some outdoor activities like hiking when on vacation. I enjoy people but also like to spend time at home just puttering around. I would like to invent a way to go without sleep for long periods of time, but unfortunately have not been able to get that done. Yet. I did invent a spray that banishes all unwanted evil creatures from under children's beds and behind closet doors, but I have only shared it with grandchildren. So far.


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