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Phil Bernheim


South San Francisco, California - USA

I worked in a paying job until age 80, when, as a result of 4 strokes spaced out over a couple of decades, I found myself too weak physically to continue.. Fortunately, my mind seems unaffected.

I have had 2 wives (1 died after 29 years, the 2nd has survived 21 years with me, a tribute to her hardihood), and three children, now adults in their 40's.

My business career has been checkered. I had a Journalism degree from Stanford, switched to radio broadcasting, got into very early FM, before it had enough audience to be profitable, switched to selling high-fi equipment (before stereo and after it came in). Then to selling life and health insurance, and ended up as a paid computer aide at a high school.

It's been an interesting life! I used to frequent art galleries, foreign and domestic movies, read books, had a hobby of photography, but now I spend my days as a netizen, and all my movements are at about 10% of normal speed.

Fortunately, I can still drive, though slower and more cautiously than I used to. So I can still get out and around for errands, shopping, etc.

Thought for Today: One of the great arts of living is the art of forgetting.


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