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This is chapter seven in the book No Time for Karma, stepping off the wheel of pain and struggle.


In Western civilization there is a great stigma attached to admitting that we might have done something "wrong" or created a situation that is less than desirable. This makes it difficult to discuss a topic related to creating our own realities. It feels like guilt is being imposed.

However, while it is true that every experience in our lives has been created by us, the cosmic perspective shows that not only have we never made a mistake, we have in fact merely been on a exciting, rewarding journey of ever increasing understanding. It is because we now have greater understanding than we did a thousand or million years ago that we desire to alter our path somewhat.

When a person is in the midst of a health crisis or any other kind of crisis the cosmic perspective is usually the last thing on their mind. They don’t want to know how the problem got here, they don’t care in which life they erred, they just want the problem to go away. Actually that is a healthy point of view and it is the very point of view that will allow a correction of the situation to made.

The master teachers didn’t advocate analyzing one’s problems. They preferred to go directly to the solution. The solution involves holding the truth of our being in mind as opposed to holding the problem or its cause in mind. Remember, to create and maintain a situation which is contrary to the natural state of being requires constant effort on our part. We must be constantly reaffirming our dislike of a situation in order to keep it around. When we release our attachment to the problem or to the cause of the problem (all causes are in our mind, not "out there") healing is the result. That is nature’s way.

There is nothing on this planet that cannot be fixed by directing the power of the mind. Corporations, organizations, relationships and physical bodies are not outside the realm of cosmic law. They can be readily healed by applying cosmic principles as revealed by the masters. It is only when we try to do things by the rules of our society that we run into walls. We will continue to come back to any problem until we choose to resolve it by invoking cosmic law.

If we have a health problem, we are not allowing ourselves to experience the natural state of being. Every part of our body is designed to work perfectly without the need to pay any attention to it. The only thing that can cause our bodies to function otherwise is if we focus on life in a constricting manner. That cuts off the natural flow. In our society there are many ways that we constrict ourselves. When we allow ourselves to feel tense and stressed, everything in our reality experiences restriction, from the blood flow in our veins, our relationships, to money and our personal freedom.

The Cause of Dis-ease

Dis-ease can have several apparent causes. Whatever the cause, it can be viewed as an opportunity for soul growth. Let me over simplify once again by saying that there are only two reasons that we may have dis-ease in our bodies, minds or affairs; conscious and subconscious errors in our belief system. First we may have a karmic commitment. Karmic choices appear in this life as characteristics that we "have no choice" about. The bodies we chose, the color of our skin, physical and mental handicaps are karmic choices. That is, before we took physical form we and our guidance counselors might have decided that our most expedient soul growth would occur if we were forced to stay focused on overcoming a handicap throughout this lifetime. To ensure that we would continuously be searching for ways to overcome limitation, some of us chose deformed bodies or genetic defects that would act as constant reminders. This kind of problem is rarely "healed" during the lifetime, at least not from the perspective of our five senses. I have however, investigated some of these persons after they have left the physical dimension and I found that they have made much more progress, soul wise, than their non-handicapped friends. Very expedient. Handicaps are not a tragedy. They are, instead, usually a wise choice made by a soul who was impatient to complete his or her schooling.

Mental retardation and autism are also karmic. That is, they were consciously chosen as good teaching tools before birth. These handicaps may fit in one of two general categories. If the last life that the soul completed was experienced as overly traumatic, a person may be doing mega-denial, which can have the appearance of being autistic or "the lights are on but nobody is at home." I have heard of cases where the past life history of an autistic child was investigated psychically, revealing an unbearable trauma. When the child was forced to watch a play in which the trauma was recreated as accurately as possible, the child began to have emotional responses and soon began to respond to love and therapy, eventually returning to a normal life.

Mental retardation can also be a wonderfully easy way to keep the distractions of the intellect out of the way. Karmically speaking, many retarded individuals have felt on a soul level that they were getting hooked on the intellect. Mental retardation can break a pattern of over emphasis on intelligence and quickly return the focus to nurturing and love. Again, very expedient.

Some of the most enlightened beings on the planet today are those that we call retarded. What a wonderful way to avoid the pitfalls of the intellect. It is a magnificent experience that allows an individual to focus solely on love and compassion. They are never distracted by the educational system or Wall street. Mental retardation allows entities to do rapid balancing. If you think that you overdid it on the intellectual side in the last few lifetimes, just pull down enough shades to be considered mentally impaired and come bouncing right in.

Schizophrenia, as well as mental retardation, is a very enlightened state of being despite the fact that we have analyzed these afflictions with our five senses and deemed them to be unfortunate.

The second general cause of dis-ease has to do with errors in our belief system that we have picked up in this lifetime. When we believe that we are separate and that we are victims of other people and outer conditions, we often direct so much energy in the direction of the problem that it takes form. We can really believe that someone is such a pain in the butt that we develop hemorrhoids. Cosmic law states that thoughts held in mind outpicture. When we start to grasp that concept, we realize that forgiveness has never had anything to do with giving another person our approval or admitting that someone else was right and we were wrong. Forgiveness is simply releasing our anger and resentment at what someone did to us (which is a cosmic impossibility anyway) and declaring that we would rather have our health than our anger. Books like Louise Hay's Heal Your Body can be very helpful in getting us to realize the connection between thoughts and the condition of the body.

Let's look for a minute at heredity and social conditioning. Heredity is not an objective reality. There are numerous cases of persons not acquiring the diseases of the parents. So from a scientific perspective, parental genes do not guarantee the states of health of the offspring. However, we do know how reinforced beliefs can effect our physical reality. Parental or family projection, expectation, or fear that the child will develop the disease of the parents can have a devastating effect on the mind and body of a person who does not realize that they don't have to accept such a prognosis. Thoughts held in mind accompanied by emotion do create physical reality.

Disease can also provide a method of getting our emotional needs met, or of getting a reward. After my grandfather died, my grandmother would get sick when she was lonely. Just like clockwork, one of the grand children were assigned the task of spending the night at Grammy's when she was feeling poorly. Our society starts teaching the rewards of sickness very early. Sick children stay home from school - what a treat.

We can avoid making elderly people resort to this reward system to get love. It has been shown that retirement homes which encourage their residents to offer child care to infants of working mothers have far healthier residents than the homes where residents just watch TV or play checkers.

Also, the fear of an illness and what it can do to us can keep our attention focused on the problem instead of a solution. One way to handle the fear is to use our minds to create a fantasy which includes the worst that could happen. Death is the big boogie man. In our minds we can carry the drama of the dis-ease all the way out - - to death. In our meditation we can observe our own dying experience all the way to being reunited with those who went before us and our own delightful trip back to the light. The we can say, "Oh, dying wouldn't be so bad." Any experience that we don't resist holds much less power to make us fearful.

If we are currently experiencing a chronic illness or dis-ease, we should ask ourselves what will happen if we do not overcome it. What would we do if we had to live with arthritis for the rest of our life? Instead of being a track star, we might have to pursue singing. We can always find alternatives. It is only fear that allows disease to remain in our life. When we can totally release the fear of our illness or our relationship or anything, then the apparent cause will disappear and we will have a miraculous healing. In truth it was not miraculous at all - - we simply changed our mind. When we alter our perspective our life will change.

If chronic illness or a life threatening condition is of concern to you, read some of the mind and body transforming books that are now readily available at your local bookstore. Authors like O. Carl Simonton, Larry Dossey, Bernie Siegel, Deepak Chopra, and Norman Sheally (all doctors) can change your life forever.

A Word About Death

Death is inevitable. Everyone leaves this plane of reality sooner or later. There is no other area in which our society as a whole is in such denial. In every other area of living our society attempts to make education available to help us handle challenges. In the area of death it is not only socially acceptable to be in denial, it is expected. If one is not in denial about death they are usually considered gruesome or "not all there." As light workers on the planet, one of our tasks is to lift the veil of fear from the transition called death.

Modern scientists have been doing some magnificent work in the field of death and dying. Doctors like Elizabeth Kubler-Ross, Raymond Moody, Kenneth Ring and dozens of others have gathered information from thousands of people who had "near death experiences" (called NDE's.) The experiences of people who have been declared clinically dead before they were resuscitated, all have similarities in the sense that the experiences of incarnate beings are all the same. Each of us has our separate and unique experiences of life but we have many things in common. Bodies, not being able to fly, relationships, and so forth, are shared experiences to incarnate beings. In death, it would seem, an overwhelming sense of love, acceptance, light, peace and joy are as common as fingers and toes are to us. And the death experience seems to have very little to do with which religion, if any, a person belonged to. People who recall having experienced the light called death never fear dying again. They look forward to it. If every human being understood the message that these NDE'ers have to share, ninety percent of mankind's resistance to dis-ease would evaporate. That which we resist we retain.

When my mother was on her death bed I allowed myself to tune in to the larger reality. I gave her permission to leave without guilt - - always a very helpful thing to do when someone is approaching their death. I told her that Dad would be okay and he wouldn't be mad at her for leaving. I told her who was there waiting to receive her, her father and other friends. I was genuinely excited for her. She left without fear. The next afternoon as the family was ready to sit down to supper, it came to me to say "let's have a meditation first." This is not something that I would ever say to my Dad when I was in my right mind. Dad was, at best, a stubborn agnostic. But in his subdued state he said all right. As I started counting from ten to one in a simple relaxation exercise, he yelled out his favorite profanity, "holy pink toad prophet." When the guided meditation was over he fairly leaped to his feet shouting, "she spoke to me, she spoke to me! She said 'I am so happy here, darling!'" Never again did Dad fear his own death.

When his own time to die was rapidly drawing near, Dad had a series of dreams that he refused to share with me or my brother or sister. He would say only "It's too good to be true." Death is healing.

Here, I would like to share a portion of a newsletter that I wrote in 1986 while I was a teacher at Oklahoma State University:

Last November, I and a couple of Tulsa folks and a group of friends from Denton, TX went to a seminar in Greenwood Forest in Missouri. It was a re-energizing experience for me, at a time when I truly needed my perspective raised. Greenwood Forest is a project of Ken Carey. It is 1000 acres of cosmic peace, saved from becoming paper pulp by Ken's persistent efforts. Ken has written several books including Starseed Transmissions, Vision, and Terra Christa. He and Sherry also lead seminars such as the one we went to. The experience was marvelous for me because it showed me another step in the synthesizing of the new age energy. I see the outpicturing of cosmic consciousness more and more, the coming out of the closet of the awakened ones, and this was a magnificent example.

There are two reasons that I wanted to tell you about our time at Greenwood Forest. The first is that Earl and Marge were there. Earl and Marge are two very enlightened earthlings. Earl contracted cancer some 10 or 12 years ago. The interval of time since then has been some of the most amazing and wonderful time in many a lifetime for him.

It appears to be the case that, on planet Earth, up until we have mastered mastery, the only real progress we make is when there is pain, or least a sufficient amount of discomfort. That's the way the school works and we were aware of that before we came in to this plane. But, because our school works the way it does, it is the one school in the universe where soul growth can be done quickly. Granted, it seems slow as Hell while it is going on but that doesn't negate the Cosmic perspective of rapid growth.

Back to Earl - - Earl came to me a year or so ago, after I had done a workshop weekend in his hometown, and ask for some help in the form of channeled information about his plight. The information that came through for him was, to me at least, so exciting because it showed the purpose of life, not just Earl's life, and it showed what enormous progress one human soul can make if the commitment is there. Very briefly summarizing what took over an hour to receive: Earl had decided that he would find out how the mind worked and see if there was any such thing as mind over matter or self healing. He explored mind control through books and teachers. His physician cooperated by carefully helping him use mind relaxants (MDMA). Earl sent his disease into remission. But in remission there is little progress. Each time that the pain returned he would enhance his knowledge of controlling his thoughts and his manifest body and send the villain right back into remission. Earl was told that through his determination, his seeking, his quest for understanding, he had done at least three more lifetimes of work in the last 10 years of this one. He was told that regardless of whether or not he was able to `permanently' suppress his cancer in this particular experience, he would always retain his understanding that the mind is the master of the manifest realm, and he would never need to experience disease in any future life. Because he made a conscious choice to learn and grow in spite of (because of) his dilemma, Earl had stayed in this body several years longer than his original life plan had called for and had literally saved himself three or four lifetimes of work on his spiritual path. Earl died three weeks ago. Of cancer? No - - his heart quit after he had expressed the desire to leave. With his family on Sunday he made sure it was OK with all concerned and on Tuesday he left.

The following Friday and Saturday, Marge and their son and I and friends, conversed with Earl. That brings us to the second part of this beautiful story - dying consciously.

It is impossible to convey in words the magnificence of the death process for those who are awakened beings. Earl strongly urged us over and over to "tell them to die consciously." I am trying to do that here. Earl said that there is plenty of literature available on the transition process, and he said that it is accurate enough for each of us to know in advance what is coming. He urged that we be aware and awake in our minds while we enter the transition process. Earl said that the stories that we have heard (and they are true) of having to take time out when we reach the other side, of delay, of unconsciousness for some, need not be the case. By previewing the `other side' in our own psychic awareness, we can be awake when the time comes and we don't have to lose even one moment of the precious experience. As Earl put it, "I hit the ground running full speed ahead, figuratively speaking of course".

Of great importance to Earl's story is Marge. Together, long ago, they had gotten rid of the fear of dying. If we are to be conscious beings we must understand that absolutely no fear that we may have about anything is justified. They had even talked about how one person can help another to change levels so easily. When Tuesday came, Earl said he would like to go to the hospital, more for Marge's sake than his, I suspect. So, in his bed at the hospital, Marge talked him across. Allowing her mind to transcend the veil along with his, she could help be his eyes and help calm any anxiety that he might have. She spoke of his friends who were there, of colors she saw, of peacefulness. She held his hand. When the nurse, stethoscope to chest, said that it was over, Marge turned and cried out "We did it, we did it!" The hospital chaplain, who had just walked in the room, surely did not totally comprehend why this widow was acting more like a high school cheerleader whose team had just won the big game. But they had, they had.

So here's to Earl. I and the rest of the Human Race say "Thank you, Earl, for what you have contributed to Race consciousness". Thanks to you, living will be a little more beautiful from here on out.

The outlook for our Planet Earth is definitely magnificent, breathtaking, fun, thrilling and generally great. When we look on the mental level where the mold for future manifestation is kept, we see the wonder of the Aquarian Age, the age of love. But between the time when that mold becomes `reality' and now, we have much work to do. As I see it, you who are the voluntary Transition Team, the custodians of the cusp, had two jobs to do. Your first job was to be here. By doing that you contributed your consciousness and your auric energy to the group consciousness of Planet Earth. By just being who you are you boosted the love/peace content of the planet to the level that you have ensured that there will be no annihilation of life here either by war or pollution or other outpicturings of fear and hate. But now that you have successfully done the first job, you must move on to the second. There is still much that will be interpreted as struggle to go through in the next twenty years. You are still the wise ones for the planet. You must be the stable, understanding one to whom those who do not yet understand can turn for comfort and strength. And, above all, you must teach. The persons who have chosen to be here during transition and at the beginning of this wonderful new age would not have come if they hadn't been assured that there would be plenty of wise teachers available. The new students are here in droves now. You must make available to them the full spectrum of your understanding. You do not have to change your mode of expression, just be aware that more and more, the people you are contacting are new age students, even if they don't know it. Dare to share yourself with them. You are the Founders of the New Planet Earth.

To fear death is to fear God. It is to believe that the universe is not friendly, not on our side. If we are to be light workers in this school, we must share with our friends what we know intuitively to be the truth about the endless continuity of life. Mankind's greatest fear of all time must be revealed as mere shadow before peace on earth can be truly established.

Healing In a Dense Telepathic Pool

Healing in any form has nothing to do with getting God to do us a favor. It is rather that we learn to open the doors. It has always been difficult, though not impossible, for any given individual on earth to defy the physical laws, to levitate, to manifest objects, or to instantly dissolve a malignant tumor. The difficulty arises because we are immersed in density. Density is another name for a telepathic pool of thought energy which is composed of fear, doubt, anger, etc. To be immersed in density and be sufficiently detached from it so as to be able to raise the dead is a trick roughly equivalent to swimming across the Atlantic without getting wet. Many thousands of souls have become sufficiently enlightened that they were able to graduate from earth school, and move on to more delightful surroundings, without having mastered density to the degree that they were "healers."

As the Aquarian Age gains a stronger foothold, the consciousness on earth raises. That is, there is a higher percentage of incarnate folks who desire to be harmless, than there has been in any other age. That means that the average level of thought making up the telepathic pool is less fearful, less defensive, i.e., the density is less. The less the density, the easier it is for any individual to make contact with the normal consciousness of the universe, which is love. As each day passes, each of us has a better and better chance of performing "miracles" than we did last month or last year. The "veil" is thin.

Because of the density, the healing you tried to accomplish ten or fifteen or twenty years ago might not have succeeded. It was not necessarily your fault. If you tried to manifest something or heal someone, you probably blamed yourself when it did not work because you did not believe yourself to be spiritual enough to do it. It was actually just the density of the system in which you were working. Today if you will take the same level of consciousness that you had then and try again, it will surely succeed. And that is not even taking into consideration the fact that you personally have evolved and are more in touch.

It is time to be practicing our healing abilities. As a group we are so connected to the source now that it is possible to perform rather dramatic healings. We must let go of the belief that many of us have regarding an order of difficulty in miracles. The world has programmed us to believe that some things are harder to heal than others. That is nothing more than a remnant of old value judgments. There may be several things that your value system has deemed you incapable of doing. You may believe that you can remove people's headaches and bring harmony to the office by going home at night and meditating, but you may not believe that you are any good at healing cancer. That is merely because your value system considers terminal illness more difficult to cure than other forms of dis-ease. That is not at all related to truth. All healing is an equal shift in a belief system. If you will go back now and retry some of the things that you thought that you could not do, you will find that you are coming into your own power and finding your own particular form of healing.

Healing and the Ego

Most of us know that the area of healing is fraught with ego distractions. It helps to review these. There is an enormous difference between fixing and healing. The ego says "I would be more comfortable if you were not in my presence with that dumb disease because it makes me feel so helpless to see you ill." Healing on the other hand says "You are the Christ! What are you doing with that silly idea? Don't you know that disease is not real and therefore not required?" That is the way that Jesus healed. He never said "Oh boy, this is going to be tough." He saw the Christ in every human being. That is all that is necessary for total transformation of any individual who is willing to accept it. Jesus never said "Well, let me first look at what you did when you were five or how well you treated your mother" because he knew that it was all irrelevant. All he ever asked was "Do you believe that I can do this" and if they answered "Yes, master, I believe" it was all over. Some accounts show that more than half of the healings that Jesus attempted didn't work. If the individual was unwilling to receive what he offered, even Jesus could not violate that person's will.

If a person's need for illness is greater than their need for freedom, they will get to keep the dis-ease. We must live consciously and be aware of the reward system that exists in our society. The truth is that there are no incurable dis-eases. The master teachers have all taught the most expedient path to achieving perfect health. They unanimously agreed that nothing on this earth exists that cannot be altered by us through our telepathic connection to it.

Healing and Karma

A question that is often asked during workshops is "if I heal someone aren't I interfering in their karma? If they chose the disease as a teaching tool, wouldn't it be a disservice to take it away?" The answer has several parts. First, not even god, god, very god most high can interfere in someone's karma. Karma is choice. Karma is one use of free will. Karma cannot be violated. There is no injustice and there are no victims. It is not even possible to be a victim of someone's loving intentions.

Second, no two people are separate. There is no healer and healee. All minds are one mind. All hearts are one heart. Oneness heals. Separateness stresses. The appearance of separateness is dis-ease. Three dimension time space is a hologram. No one has ever seen anything on this plane of reality, be it tragedy or pastoral beauty, that was not simply a mirror. What is there to heal? Only our perception.

If you offer a healing that is in turn accepted, that is your clue that someone was ready to bypass their karma. Those who assist others in saving time are called saviors.

Every offering of healing, love, or forgiveness is useful. Love can do no harm. Every positive thought or feeling issued forth from any person's mind or heart raises the vibratory level of the telepathic pool. Healing the telepathic pool heals everything that it touches, earth, humans and the universe.

How do we know if it is our place to get involved with a particular situation? Since all that we ever see is a mirror, any thing in the world that gets our attention is an aspect of ourselves that has been trying to get our attention. Anything uncomfortable that catches our eye is trying to get us to release a false belief about it and see it from God's point of view instead. Therein lies healing. If we see the hungry in India, mistreated children or an accident in the street, it came into our perception for a reason. Our responsibility, then, is to function in truth. Believing in tragedy is definitely not in alignment with truth. We know that holding in mind an image of an abused child as being wrong can create another child getting exactly the same treatment. The masters taught us how to correct error when we perceive it. "Pray ye one for another", they said.

Every individual enrolled for their curriculum on planet earth voluntarily. Every entity signed up to take a certain amount of pain, struggle, anxiety, fear, doubt and guilt. There are absolutely no exceptions. Everyone who comes into the earth is an abused child be it emotionally, psychologically or physically. I like Patricia Sun's statement, "No one on earth has been raised by a grownup yet." If you are looking for injustice, open your eyes. The first person that you see will be a perfect example of a mistreated individual. In their infinite wisdom when they were out of body and connected to their high self, they knew precisely what to enroll for. Whether they die of a brutal beating at the age of two or of "natural" causes when they are ninety-five does not matter. It has nothing to do with truth. But if they come into your awareness at any point in their personal growth, that is a clue that they could use your help or insight.

Healing Saves Time

A Course in Miracles tells us that there are no tragedies. But if there was any tragedy, it says, it would be "delay in time." Before we traveled to these dense reaches of the universe, we had the mind of God and we thought like God. We knew that pain did not exist and could not exist. After we exit this school system and return to our natural state of being we once again think like God. We absolutely know that pain has never existed and couldn't ever exist. And, likewise, no thought of pain or poverty or any thought unlike God exists. The only possible opportunity that souls have to believe in tragedy is during their trip through time. The only pain anyone has ever thought they were experiencing was while they were caught in a delay in time.

Helping someone through a crisis in their life is simply sharing some of our remembrance of God with them at a time when they can't see that far. Offering healing does not bypass the lesson, it shortens it. Insight or understanding which is transferred to another person telepathically, resulting in a healing, is the exact same insight or understanding that they would have gained had they gone all the way through the experience without our help. Healing saves time.

Pain Is Growth.

Pain Is the Soul's Request For Healing

We have no interest in taking away anyone's opportunity for growth, (which is not possible anyway) but we do have a desire to expedite their learning. Therefore our function shifts from trying to save them to being of assistance. Help always comes on the level of consciousness. That is not to say that when we see an individual with a broken arm that we will not be of physical assistance by setting the bone. If we know that we have attained sufficient awareness to heal the arm without employing a splint, go for it! Jesus probably never used a splint or a cast, but he understood the level from which he was capable of functioning.

If we do not have sufficient understanding of the healing process to get rid of our own headache, we can at least have sufficient awareness to take an aspirin. Both eliminate our discomfort and that is the object. So when we observe something going on in another person's life, our first reaction might be to take them to a doctor even though we know that the physician only works on the physical level and that he has no idea how to heal anything. Conventional medicine can buy a person more time in the present incarnation, and thereby possibly reduce the number of incarnations required to attain graduation. A great gift.

If the only thing that we can see to do in a given crisis situation is to intervene, then we go ahead, knowing that we cannot make a mistake. If our actions turn out to have been motivated by ego (fear, helplessness, etc.) then we may experience a little karma kickback, but no harm will have been done. If we believe that our actions will save some pain and suffering, we can proceed. But do not give in to the temptation of judging the pain as bad or wrong or unfair. Our usefulness is proportional to the positiveness of our thoughts. We cannot send light and love to the child or the abuser when we have judgment. We should ask for help from guidance. Love and peace are what is needed here, not judgment. We are not interested in punishing the abuser. We are interested in healing.

If we remember to immerse ourselves in meditation or a similar ritual, we can once again be objective. We can visualize love energy surrounding the child, the parents and the social worker. When we do that, there is no way that a Berlin Wall will not come down. Something magical will occur. That child's path will be eased because we intervened in accordance with cosmic law. If we check back in a week, we may even find that the parent decided to go for treatment and that the warm and loving aunt came from Ohio to care for the child or some other "miracle" occurred.

If anyone we know has a challenge in their life, we can expedite a healing by going home and getting out our mental flashlight, that has a brilliant beam of white light, and bathing them in light. See the truth for them. We don't need to say to them "If you would just change your thoughts!", even if that is obvious. It would not be particularly helpful to go up to someone whose car has just been smashed and say "Well you created it!" It is far wiser to communicate the way that all of the master teachers have told us to do it, telepathically, bypassing the ego's defensiveness.

Remember the Big Picture

Nothing manifests in this dimension unless it has been invited in two ways. On a soul level, the individual with the problem wanted the lesson that it had to teach, and on the level of conscious awareness, he must have had some thoughts and emotions that precipitated the event. But, it is not our responsibility to explain the process to him. We just love him and hug him and hold him like we do with a three year old child who falls down and scrapes her knee. Is it necessary to explain to the child why the sidewalk is harder than her knee or whether God is good or bad because she got hurt? The child would much rather have milk and cookies, and with a bit of rocking, the next thing we know she will be out playing again.

Our sole responsibility is to offer the healing by directing the power of our mind and then get ourselves out of the way. When we see a problem, we have the opportunity to make judgments about where it came from and what would solve it, but that information would all be wrong. We would have to know the individual's entire karmic history and karmic future to make a correct assessment. We will not have that perspective while we are in a body. We can simply call the person to mind and state that it is our desire to be truly helpful. Then guidance will give us clues as to what to do. A word like harmony or strength might come to mind that we can send. When unclear, choose to send pure white light. Light is an energy that fosters the natural state of being.

We should not have any expectations about the healing we offer others. The timing is never up to us. We tend to offer our prayers and turn around to ask "Did it work? Did it work? I better call them again. Are you feeling better yet?" That is a great way to be disappointed because healing is dependent upon the receptivity of the other person. Our desire to be helpful is never wasted, however. It is not possible to offer a healing in this universe that is not eventually accepted. If we declare from our perspective that it did not work, that is a clue that we are relying on our own power and not the benevolent force of God. He foresees that every prayer is answered. Sometimes, getting positive feedback about a healing attempt is not helpful. Our minds might be blown if it actually worked. We may not believe that we deserve to be healers and if that is the case the universe will not violate our commitment to undeservedness. More often, though, positive feedback seems to strengthen our resolve to be healers. We can ask the universe for positive feedback so that we can continue to nurture our self confidence.

Healing and Psychic Ability

Whether you came to earth as a drop-in, one who comes here only in times of need, or you are a highly evolved earth school student, a twelfth grader, you have a very developed psychic ability. We may call our psychic ability intuitive functioning, meditation or prayer, it doesn't matter. To not use our psychic tools to gather information and disseminate healing would be like deciding that all we need to get through life is one eye, one ear, and one leg. It would be a silly way for an unlimited being to function.

Each of us senses intuitive information in a different manner. There are no rules. Some people have visualizations while some experience a direct knowing. Others are empaths so they sense everything literally in their own bodies. No one is left on the planet without a means of accessing the infinite. We already have our own particular way of tuning in. The books that say that we must sit in the lotus position for seventy-two hours a week in order to find spirit are not written for twelfth graders. However we make our connection is okay with the universe. It does not matter. Many folks have flashes and insights while driving a car or hiking. Daydreaming, if it is not simply replaying tapes of old thought patterns, is great meditation. Most of us were told as children to "quit daydreaming." Daydreaming is not a waste of time. It is a way to receive great inspiration. So we can make a very useful game of it. We can ask to receive new music, art, or inventions through daydreams. Or we can ask to be shown other planes of reality on the way to work.

We can activate our psychic eyes and ears anywhere and anytime. It is not required that we sit in our meditation chair. We may choose to tune in to someone while we are in line at the grocery store (a place where we are very apt to run into someone who needs help.) Anything that we sense, particularly of a spontaneous nature, is good information on some level and may be a call for help. We are never shown a need unless the universe has already ascertained that we have the ability to be of service.

Intuitive functioners throughout history have been known as prophets. The priests and the prophets have been in conflict with one another in every civilization. The priests could only echo the words that were brought in by the prophets. The priests worked for and were supported by the king. The prophets on the other hand were always having visions and dreams of the future. They spoke of coming events that the king had no control over. Kings do not like to be rendered powerless so they have a habit of exiling or executing the prophets.

Now because we have all been the prophet in other incarnations, we have a hesitancy to get involved. We have subconscious fears that we will get burned at the stake. We are much safer in the 1990's than in our last few incarnations. We can choose when and where we are comfortable doing our psychic work. We may be ridiculed for having vision in this life but we won't be burned at the stake.

Sacred Places

Some of us may believe that we would be much better at healing if we could do it in a sacred place. We can therefore be very busy seeking out all of the energy vortexes on the planet. Actually it might be easier, and just as beneficial, to create a map of sacred places for our living room. When a child has behaved "badly" and had to sit in a chair in the corner, that became a vortex of negative energy for him. When we are feeling very creative on the other hand, we may sit down at the piano, so that becomes a vortex of positive energy. The pyramids in Egypt are no more sacred than the living room couch or the bath tub. Human beings have the necessary attributes to alter energy anywhere. When we combine the power of the mind with our emotional bodies, we have the capability to create a certain mood. There are unique moods all over the earth. It only depends upon who, and what energy, was there last.

Anne and I live in New Mexico in a place that feels very sacred to us. It is an area of land that has been sacred to the Native American Indians as well. When I tune into the land, I get that it is a place where people have had fun for centuries. The land has not seen much killing. That is all that is required to make a place feel special. If there was a war in New Mexico now, it would not feel sacred anymore because that would be the last energy left there. Our home is also relatively close to the Four Corners Region which is said to be a vortex to the center of the earth that attracts space craft. The area is a place where the ships have not been bothered. Our military hasn't discovered them there yet so they can hang around in peace. It is nothing more - - whether something feels sacred or not is entirely dependent upon the energy we hold about it.

Our limited concepts of time and space do not apply as far as energy is concerned. We can alter the energy of (heal) anything. If we have a particular piece of jewelry that does not feel comfortable to us, it may well have a history that we are unaware of. We can hold it in our hand while sitting in meditation and shine our mental light on it. That will literally rearrange its molecular structure and shift the energy of the object. When it has absorbed your vibes, it will feel great.

There is also no difference between altering the energy of a small piece of jewelry or the entire state of Missouri. The universe will not say "Wait a minute! We have a limit of two square miles up here!" The universe does not know the difference and it does not care. You can alter the energy of an office building, the grocery store, the mall or the post office. There is no limit to the power of our minds.

Psychic Counseling

Healing requires discretion and a willingness to be humble. The five physical senses will never reveal to us what any soul's contract with the earth is. We have to use our psychic senses, bypassing judgment, to make sense of anyone's discomfort.

Psychic counselors increase their understanding of the loving nature of the universe each time they tune into someone at a soul level. People only seek counseling when their five senses have gained the upper hand and convinced them that mistakes are happening. As helpers to humanity, our job is to locate their contract with the earth, see what classes they enrolled for, and point out the easy way to get through the lesson. As we all practice psychic counseling, we convince ourselves that when the big picture is accessed, expedient solutions are abundant.

Many of us have stuffed down our psychic awareness because it was unacceptable in our society or our family so we can literally get drunk on it when we let it surface. It can be very liberating and freeing. A little humility would be nice here, though. There is an occasional tendency for those who are awakening to their intuitive ability to realize that the judgments that they used to make about what people needed were ego based. And since they now have a "connection" they know for the first time what would really fix them. All correction belongs to Holy spirit, says A Course in Miracles.

Some Psychic Insights

A woman approached me during one of my workshops. She had the look of someone who had been on drugs and institutionalized. She said "I am a schizophrenic and I have spent the last three years hospitalized, etc., etc." I always tune people out when they begin to tell me their problems because their false illusions of themselves aren't very useful. I look for truth by tuning into their soul's contract. As I was doing this I could see that she was speaking with this attitude of "I know you can't do anything about this and you don't have any answers for me, but it took so much nerve for me to come up here and tell you what is going on."

Then I received an incredible image of her. Many of us are living two or three or ten incarnations simultaneously. I saw this woman living in eight bodies simultaneously on the earth, and because she happened to be considerably more psychic than the average person on the planet, she could tune into any one of the individuals that she was at any moment. I told her that we are all schizophrenic, but not everyone is psychic enough to know it. I told her that she was far too impatient to do one life at a time because she wanted maximal growth and that her situation would eventually produce an enormous amount of wisdom for her. She responded by saying that her lack of clarity in the now was very disturbing. I said that in about three years everything would come together for her and she would have a perspective of the big picture that others cannot see, that the world would need her to teach compassion to the rest of us. With great joy and pride, she declared that she could wait three years.

There can be many causes for schizophrenia and none of them are incurable when we look at it as a psychic dis-ease. The soul can aspect itself in an infinite number of ways. None of us ever bring in our total self when we incarnate anyway. We bring in an aspect that needs a bit of work which might be the male self or the female self or the intellectual self. If we bring in two aspects of the soul simultaneously that do not appear to be in harmony with each other to the average eye, we call that schizophrenia. You can sit down and have a conversation in your mind with a schizophrenic and ask them why they came in that way and what you can do to be of service. If you discover that they have aspected themselves in a peculiarly uncomfortable way, try projecting harmony to all parts of their being for just ten minutes a day. Harmony will begin to manifest.

There are a number of approaches to emotional healing available today that can dramatically reduce (or eliminate) the amount of time required in conventional therapy. If this is an area of concern to you I suggest you read some of the books by Gerald Jampolsky, Chris Griscom, or Sandra Ingerman.

Twenty years ago I took the Silva Mind Control course with a friend whose Mother was eighty-two years old and senile. The doctors naturally told him that senility was irreversible and even though there was no hope, she was comfortable and had people to watch out for her. It would not really matter, they said, if she thought that she was three years old or engaged in childish behavior. Well her son was fresh out of mind control class and wanted to apply some of the principles that he had learned. He was all fired up. He had an idea to take ten minutes a day sitting in his favorite meditation chair and talk to his mother on the inner level. He conjured up an image of his mother and said "Mom, you are getting stronger, healthier and more alert. Remember how you love to play bridge, Mom?" In twenty-three days she was in complete control of her mental faculties and playing bridge again. I personally have never known the "ten minutes a day" process to take more than thirty days to alter any physical or emotional state of being.

I know a marvelous healer whose method is to take her mental scissors and cut out the parts of the body that no longer functions properly. She says "Oh, I see that this isn't working anymore." Snip, snip, snip, and then she goes into her mental drawer of body parts and retrieves a new organ. After using a little tape or glue to complete her mental surgery, wonderful physical changes often occur. The universe can only read your intent to be of service so any method that you can dream up will work. Have fun with it. There is no wrong way to do psychic healing if your intent is to be a channel for God.

Bernie Siegel tells many wonderful stories in his book Love, Medicine, and Miracles about the power of the mind in healing. He tells of a woman who had been in a coma for years. When he spoke to this "unconscious" woman, giving her the release from parental responsibility that she needed, she died within minutes. He tells several stories about talking to patients who were under anesthesia. Anesthesia is very similar to hypnosis. Suggestions made to "unconscious" persons can stop bleeding, change pulse rate and blood pressure, and even bring them back when the EKG has gone flat. Every person's mind is always listening. Negative or discouraging remarks should never be uttered within ear shot of any patient. Indeed, positive reinforcement spoken to sleeping patients can speed the healing process dramatically.

Sometimes we may find ourselves dealing with a situation that traditionally has only long term solutions such as terminal illness or an addiction. The group consciousness fills the telepathic pool with feelings of hopelessness about these situations. But that is changing very quickly right now. There are Silva Mind Control instructors who work only with hard core drug addicts and in forty hours of classroom training, the former addicts walk away free without any withdrawal symptoms. They are totally rejuvenated and productive human beings. If we have an addiction of any kind, it is probably a remnant of an old karmic pattern in our lives. Karmic patterns are altered by changing belief systems (consciousness), not by hard work.

Blessing Food

We have been told to bless our food before we eat it. The reason is because consciousness creates reality in our diet too. When we direct energy from our hands into our food, we literally alter the chemical make up. If we put our hands on the sides of a cookie plate and visualize light and energy running through our hands and we recognize that energy as the essence of God, we will be eating the healthiest food that we could possibly consume.

Many Silva graduates have done an experiment that all of us can do at home. Buy two similar looking tomatoes. Set one of them on a plate and put it where it will not be disturbed for several weeks. Take the other one to your meditation spot. Do your relaxation and release ritual. Then spend ten minutes with your hands around the tomato, visualizing light and love passing through it from one hand to the other. Put this tomato on a plate, mark it so you know which is which, and put it aside for several weeks. One spoils and one dehydrates, still edible. See? The masters knew about preservatives too. But their preservatives aren't hard on our bodies, they heal our bodies.

The foods that we require as individuals may not be found in nutrition books. We each have karmically conditioned bodies. We have been conditioned by lifetimes of cellular memory of what we survived on and adapted to. Our bodies are much more than a physical instrument - - they are the remembrance of previous existences in the physical domain. This has been clinically proven. There are people with multiple personalities who demonstrate intolerance to certain foods, but when they shift to a different personality there is an entirely new set of foods that they are allergic to. It is the belief system that controls the body. It is a cellular memory of your historical self that determines which eating habits work for you. It has nothing to do with what the nutritionists or overeaters anonymous or Weight Watchers have to say. The longest lived civilizations on the earth have an average life span of over one hundred years and they eat the most ungodly things. Some of them survive mainly on sugar cane. But the primary ingredient in their lifestyle is a lack of stress.


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