Business Philosophy

Affected Businesses

Eight Ways to Beat Walmart

Facts vs. Myths

Human Rights


Local Letters

Walmart SS Solution

Walmart and the Local Economy

What We Stand To Lose

What Others Have Done

People to Contact

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Myths vs. Facts:

Support your friends and neighbors and local businesses.

Say NO to an SS Wal-Mart!

Wal-Mart pays "competitive wages."

Wal-Mart Lowers Wages.
Wal-Mart workers make an average of $3 per hour less than union supermarket jobs, $2 per hour less than all supermarket jobs, and $1 per hour less than the average retail wage. An average Wal-Mart employee makes about $11,700 a year (working 30 hour weeks which is the national average in discount stores) ã nearly $2,000 below the poverty line for a single mother with two children. A 40-hour week--which most Wal-Mart employees don't work--would figure out to $15,000 a year, which is the government's poverty level for a family of 4.

Wal-Mart employees receive good health insurance coverage.

Wal-Mart's Health Coverage Leaves Most Workers Uncovered.
Huge employee premium payments and big deductibles keep participation in Wal-Mart's health plan to 38% of employees. That's 6 out of every 10 employees--more than 425,000 Wal-Mart employees, most of them women, who have no company provided health coverage. Nationally, more than 60% of workers are covered by company paid health plans. There's more: Wal-Mart workers pay insurance premiums that cover close to half of Wal-Mart's health plan expenses. The national average shows that employee premiums cover just over 25% of health plan expenses incurred by companies nationwide. The Real Story is that Wal-Mart freely acknowledges shifting its health care costs to taxpayers and responsible employers. A company spokesperson said, "[Wal-Mart employees] who choose not to participate in [Wal-Mart's health plan] usually get their health-care benefits from a spouse or the state or federal government." Wal-Mart is the biggest beneficiary of its health plan because the company shifts $1 billion in health care costs to the government and responsible employers.

70% of Wal-Mart's employees are "full time."
Full time at Wal-Mart means working 28 hours a week.
Last anyone checked, full-time work in the rest of the country still means 40 hours a week, although a few companies have gone to a 37.5 and 35 hour workweeks.

Wal-Mart's benefits package for part-time employees - those working less than 28 hours a week - is "generous."
Wal-Mart employees working less than 28 hours need to put in two years with the company before they become eligible for health insurance--if they can afford it.

Wal-Mart creates "hundreds" of new jobs for communities.

Wal-Mart Destroys Jobs.
Studies show that for every two jobs created by a Wal-Mart store, the community loses three. Jobs are merely shift from local businesses to the giant retailer. In a 1994 report, the Congressional Research Service warned Congress that communities need to evaluate the significance of any job gains at big-box stores against any loss of jobs due to reduced business at competing retailers. The report also pointed out that these so-called new jobs "provide significantly lower wages then jobs in many industries, and are often only part-time positions, seasonal opportunities, or subject to extensive turnover." The Real Story is that when Wal-Mart moves into the neighborhood, it devours local businesses and lowers community living standards.