Pink Flamingo Lawn Croquet Association

Taos, New Mexico


On my way to Wal-Mart to get more stuff. Gotta get more stuff before all the stuff is gone. Child labor, I don't care! Cheaper stuff. You bet I want that cheaper stuff! And lots more of it too. I can't get enough cheap stuff. I need that cheap stuff. More, More Mooooore!!!
Packaging be damned! I can throw it in the Arroyo, I can put it at the dump, I can throw it on the road. I don't care because I got more cheap stuff today. The cheap stuff that breaks I can take back tomorrow because I gotta go to Wal-Mart again tomorrow.
The Dump isn't full yet. Yahoo! I can buy more stuff to throw away. I can buy bags that I can put the stuff in to throw it away. I got boxes to put in the bags to throw them away. I got so much stuff to throw away now I gotta go to Wal-Mart to buy the stuff to throw all the other stuff away in.
Ain't America GREAT? I mean really GREAT?
0% inflation! They (the GOVERNMENT!) told us so just this week. Wow. That means all the cheap stuff that I get to buy won't cost more. I can keep buying more cheap stuff.
Use less stuff? Why? I gotta get my share. It's gonna be gone soon, so I gotta get mine now.
Recycling? No way. That's a trip I don't have time to make - cause I gotta go to Wal-Mart to replace the cheap stuff that already broke. Don't have time to go to the recycling center. Ran outta bags to put all the trash and cans in anyway. Bottles are just too clunky to recycle - easier to just throw them in the trash where they get picked up every week and taken to the sacred dump near the airport and that new neighborhood.

There was a time in the not so distant past when we reused a lot more of the stuff that we brought into our lives. Milk bottles got returned to the store, THINGS were not overpackaged with shrinkwrap and lots of boxes and paper and stuffing.
We buy things whose sole puprpose is to throw them away! Think about the "garbage bags" that we buy so that we can put the leaves we rake into them and then have someone else take them to the land full (dump) (aka Sanitary Land Fill) haha.

So, take a little journey:

  • Use Less Stuff

  • Buy Nothing Day

  • Think about having a $100 Christmas this year.
  • Center for Invironmental Information and Statistics

  • Resources

  • This is an excellent site with resource links to organizations and government sites about what we can do to reduce the garbage we make.

    BTW, Wal-Mart is not the only place in town where cheap stuff can be bought. In fact, cheap stuff is everywhere and we have to be very aware that this stuff is always cheap and there are times when paying a little more saves hours of our time.
    And how much is our time worth?

    Comments? Please let me know. If you have interesting sites that you would wish to see linked here, please send them.

    If you are visiting northern New Mexico and wish to play,
    we are always willing to get in another game!
    Please feel free to send us e-mail
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