There are those who believe that they own the world, that the world belongs to them because they have garnered the most power, either through arms, war, family succession or subjugation through economics. With the coming to the end of an age, and the beginning of a new age, this New World Order will also collapse, and those who have believed that the world is their playground will be sorely disappointed as they will be set aside by the peoples of the world taking control of their own destinies.
Our fates are all linked through the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the land that we inhabit. When any of these are befouled by any one of us, either individually, by business or government, we are all befouled. The sludge that comes from the sewers that poisons the land and the water poisons us all. The air that circles the globe is for us all. Those who poison the earth shall be held accountable for that poisoning.
Our Lady Gaia is a unique orb in the galaxy we know as the Milky Way. Others like her have yet to be found. Other life is out there, and has indeed come among us, but we have not yet reached the stars and other planets with life. This Lady we inhabit is our home and we are all in this one together. The slaughter and killing of our family, this family of people living here now is a crime against God, no matter how we perceive that God, and against us who have chosen to live here now.
Alice fell into the well, and came into a world that was topsy-turvy, with things to eat and drink that made her small and large, with tears to drown in and crazy kings and queens and croquet games. Yet the world that she encountered was sane compared to the world that we inhabit - a world of insanity and blessing and miracles; a world of beauty and grace; a world of war, pestilence, starvation and hatred. And there is love.
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